Recent content by iK1NG

  1. iK1NG

    SNES Nintendo's Offices Back In The 90s

    Seriously, I do not envy those guys. I guess I've always assumed video game studios were all like HiRez or RIOT where everything is super relaxed but still productive. That looked like factory-floor type status.
  2. iK1NG

    Would you date a person who hated video games?

    True that my friend! :D She's also an incredible artist and enjoys drawing video game character that I like which is pretty much the coolest thing ever haha!
  3. iK1NG

    Would you date a person who hated video games?

    Yes, but depending on how dedicated of a gamer you are it can become a serious roadblock in the relationship. The vast majority of the women I've dated in my life were not gaming fans whatsoever. My wife on the other hand is as much a gamer as I am, which I believe says a lot. :)
  4. iK1NG

    Would you have switched...?

    Ironically I started as a Playstation/Nintendo player exclusively in my youth, the first Microsoft console I ever touched was the 360. ;)
  5. iK1NG

    Steve Jobs introduced Halo to the world

    Well, that's a vaguely horrifying thought. Not to say Apple isn't good at things.. But gaming? Let's just all take a moment to appreciate the fact that Microsoft does know how to keep a good game franchise progressing.
  6. iK1NG

    Xbox One How many games do you have for your Xbox One.

    To be completely honest I have probably 25+ games and only ever play like 3 of them. My wife and I have the "Oh, that looks shiny and new, let's buy it!" syndrome when it comes to games. Granted these days soooo many titles turn out to be overhyped and underdeveloped.
  7. iK1NG

    SNES Nintendo's Offices Back In The 90s

    The nostalgia is real! Always love seeing successful gaming company's more humble beginnings. Dear god do those cubicles look like a nightmare though..