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  • now that I'm done with some upgrades to my guitar, now its time to practice!!
    also... I've been gaming it up too for this nice long weekend --- currently playing some 'god of war' on ps4
    Feeling really excited that I'm receiving yet another guitar! this makes ... #3. haha!
    Still, its a new hobby that I enjoy since June last year. It sure has its frustrating moments, but I'll keep on practicing!
    So you can play three guitars at once? :P
    @Demon_Skeith haha, I wish I can, I only have 2 hands!
    I guess you could say each one has something different? Its hard to explain... haha
    It'll be a long while before I get another guitar. as of today, just 3 for now.
    I feel relieved that I won't be working on weekends anymore. Feels great. Like a big weight lifted off my shoulders
    Got to attack work this week, then patiently wait for the next 3 day weekend... Jan 16-18. I plan to game it up & practice guitar those days!!!
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    Reactions: Revolved101
    @Demon_Skeith, maaan, wish I had some breaks in April too. Unfortunately, I do not have any vacation days in March-April. So next month is the last 3 day weekend. (first is martin luther king jr. day, and president's day)
    What games are you gonna play?
    @Foodie 'God of War' (PS4), 'Judgement' (PS4), 'Persona 5 Royal' (PS4), 'Grim Dawn' (PC), 'Legend of Zelda: Link's awakening' (switch), so many more to list, but I've been playing those mostly!
    really thinking about taking a game console to work. Not much activity going on at work.... really tempted to just take tomorrow and Thursday off... >.>
    back to work 3 days this week only to get another 4 day weekend? yeah sure, I'm in. gives me time to game it up into the new year! haha
    finally on the start of my 5 day weekend!!! yeah! happy holidays everyone
    @Demon_Skeith well, I decided to use one of my vacation days to make it a 5 day weekend... oops ^^;
    lol, I only get a three day for new years, but used pto to make it 4 :P
    @Demon_Skeith Yeah, and I heard this weekend from my boss that I can have the option of taking my vacation days on new years eve... I might have to. that way I can get a 4 day weekend! again! haha
    someone press the fast forward button and press stop on the weekend. haha, i'm ready for it!
    Where did the weekend go? It went too fast... Work again & I'll attack the week! Have a kool one everyone
    The weekend didn't feel long enough, but I managed to play some games during the 2 days off! haha!
    they never do, had a four day weekend thanks to the holidays and that went by in a flash.
    @Demon_Skeith yeah the breaks are just not long enough. haha, but thats alright, I have another one coming up... the week after next week
    practice guitar, play my games, draw, watch movies, watch anime, so many things I can do this weekend! (where I have it off from work) For once I can finally relax!
    feeling thankful that I'm able to stay home and play my games. Don't feel like going out on 'black friday'.
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    Reactions: Revolved101
    Same. tbh I prefer Cyber Monday are you going to get any new games tmr?
    @SantaGamer I skipped that one too. still need to tackle my game back-log.. have about... 11 games on PS4, and 20 games on PC. haha
    Been practicing guitar lately. I must keep this going in order to remain motivated. haha
    Nice. motivation is an important thing indeed.
    slowly knocking out my game backlog, one game at a time...
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    Niice! Keep at it!
    @KoolSoul FF7 remake is now on black friday discount on psn, just a heads up. I recall you want to get the game when it's on discount.
    Hey everyone, life happened this month. I'll do my best to remain active here. I've been here 3 years already?! amazing!
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    Reactions: cm2
    Been occupied lately with practicing guitar; been watching anime after work sometimes, but I haven't played any games lately! oh no!
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