Recent content by Kyng

  1. Kyng

    How Old Are You? - - If you would not mind answering this please.

    32, so I guess that's in the "30-33" bracket :P .
  2. Kyng

    What are you currently reading?

    Winning Chess Endings, by Yasser Seirawan.
  3. Kyng

    Do you use a smartwatch?

    Nope, just don't have a reason to. There's nothing they can do that's of value to me, that my phone can't do.
  4. Kyng

    Should schools ban students from using mobile phones while in school?

    I'm fine with them being banned during class (when they're just going to be distracting) - but, I don't think it's reasonable to ban them from school altogether. I think that ship sailed long ago.
  5. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Transport Fever
  6. Kyng

    What are you doing now instead of what you're supposed to be doing?

    Watching random football videos :P .
  7. Kyng

    Happy Birthday, Techno

    Happy birthday, Techno! I hope you have a good one :) .
  8. Kyng

    Do you feel happier with the internet?

    Yes, definitely. Most of my friends are ones I've met online (and one of those has turned into a relationship now!)
  9. Kyng

    Who still takes wearing their masks seriously?

    I don't. I still carry it around with me just in case, but I hardly ever need to any more.
  10. Kyng

    What's your yearly gaming budget?

    Excluding the cost of the computer itself (which is several hundred pounds, but isn't every year and isn't solely for gaming), I don't think it amounts to more than £200 per year. I tend to buy fewer games, but buy replayable ones that I can get hundreds of hours out of.
  11. Kyng

    Could you live without tech?

    Nope. I'd lose access to most of my friends (including my girlfriend); my job; and most of my hobbies!
  12. Kyng

    Is Streaming a real job?

    Since we're going off on tangents here, I'll just respond to a couple of points: Sure, some people are self-taught - but that model of education doesn't work for everyone. In fact, I don't think it works for most people. For the benefit of the most of us who either can't or won't self-teach...
  13. Kyng

    Is Streaming a real job?

    I appreciate that "adds something of value to society" is subjective; however, I think "Something I can't live without" is far, far too restrictive. It means anybody who's not involved with producing the bare essentials for human survival, does not have a real job. We can live without...
  14. Kyng

    Is Streaming a real job?

    How exactly are we defining "real job" here? Myself, I would define any form of work as a "real job", as long as it: a) provides enough income to live off without external support, and b) adds something of value to society. In the case of streamers, point (b) is met (the "something" being...
  15. Kyng

    Last thing you watched?

    Qualifying for the American Grand Prix.