Is Streaming a real job?


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This mixed message stuff though. I think streaming is only a job for those with charisma. However, they didn't provide an honest service other than playing recycled content and catering to simps.
I think streaming is a real job since streamers are making streaming videos for money instead of streaming for fun without earning money which would be considered of more of a hobby.
No, its not.
Absolutely. We know top tier streamers are earnings 7 figures annually, even mediocre streamers can earn low to mid five figures which is excellent primary or supplemental income.
How about the lower end streamers though?
I mean it's great supplemental income in addition to having a primary job. One can easily make 4 figures to 5 five figures per year streaming as a hobby, but yeah that's not enough to quit your primary job and source of income.
It can definitely be a job but I think it can be quote stressful keeping viewers coming back for more.
I think you just need to find the right audience and play the games you and the viewers like. None of that personal, just chatting, stuff for simps you hear about on Twitch.
You need to understand what is your edge. You should have killing charisma, or your need to play really well, or have at least anything that will make you different from thousands of noob streamers in a good way. Without that no chance imho.
You need to understand what is your edge. You should have killing charisma, or your need to play really well, or have at least anything that will make you different from thousands of noob streamers in a good way. Without that no chance imho.
These elements are important but so is consistency and dedicating. Channels and followership doesn't grow overnight and algorithms can be life changing. Just need to focus on a good and consistent format with regular content. It goes a long way.
How exactly are we defining "real job" here?

Myself, I would define any form of work as a "real job", as long as it: a) provides enough income to live off without external support, and b) adds something of value to society.

In the case of streamers, point (b) is met (the "something" being "entertainment value for the audience"), and point (a) may or may not be met, depending on how successful the streamer is. Someone who streams full-time and makes $100,000 per year from it has a "real job" as a streamer; someone who streams in their spare time and makes $1,000 per year from it does not.
This is so subjective I'm going to assume a new clause to this.

Something I can't live without. If it exists and I live without it then there is no value in society for it.
I appreciate that "adds something of value to society" is subjective; however, I think "Something I can't live without" is far, far too restrictive. It means anybody who's not involved with producing the bare essentials for human survival, does not have a real job.

We can live without education; therefore, by this definition, teaching is not "a real job".
We can live without the postal service; therefore, by this definition, being a postman is not "a real job".
We can live without computers; therefore, by this definition, manufacturing computers is not "a real job" (and all related jobs, e.g. software development, IT technicians, are not "real jobs" either).

Just because we can live without these things, doesn't mean we aren't better off for having them.