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  • Nope, they're still the same. Croc finds a bottle on the beach and it's a note from his parents, so he decides it;'s time to look for them and goes to faraway lands. And I hope so too, although I'm not sure if the idea for it is even thought of yet. It's been heavily mentioned and majorly wanted from fans though.
    Yep. Apparently there was a Ty 4, but its still being considered, even now. And it seems like you'll have to search for it tomorrow, heh. The good thing about the first Croc is that after installation you don't need the disc, except to install it on another PC.
    ...was select the areas I needed, took a sand-colour, make it darker, start at the top, end it wherever necessary, and done!
    Yeah, although I know the game'll be great, I'm just wondering if the next two will also be just as good... And darn, that stinks. If you had the disc you could give it a shot, but if you threw it out....
    mah secret to know....JK
    With Gimp (What I use), there's a blend tool that allows you to make certain patterns with 2 colors. it starts off when you click with the first color, and when you let go it ends with the second. in between shows a line where it's going to blend and how...'smooth' it will be. so the closer, the less, the farthest, the greatest. so there all I did w...
    Sure is! Feels a little like Spyro mixed with an Aussie accent and instead of fire breath you have boomerangs. Although, sometimes the worlds can seem a little.... Overwhelming. They seem so little but have a good amount of hidden stuff, so it takes a few hours to find everything. But so far I've completed all the levels I've played 100%
    Sounds good! I picked up those games and already beat three levels on the first Ty. I even got a little further on Ratchet Gladiator and Kingdom Hearts today, heh.
    I might register for both just in case someone tries to imitate me. Gawd I hate that. And I saw the new sig, pretty cool!
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