This task is impossible...Seeing the sheer reputation of everyone else compared to me, I'm trashed. I'm like OJ Simpson, except I don't have a murder trial. Never forget the Dev! I'll always be watching.
WEE! Found some "Game World 3" images on my flashcart. I seem to be missing one....shame. As for my old Game world 2 comic. I've searched every place I could possibly back up my files to no avail. Ya know that gallery issue seems like a size issue since the broken image files look so huge. Might continue on game world 3 (since I discontinued it a while ago) then start making actual nice looking ones on illustrator.
FFS, why did you remove your YT video? I login every day just to be the first one to comment on it (Or the only one..) And you do THIS to me? I'm dissapointed. In me, In Obama, in Microsoft, in Apple, in my socks, but most importantly, in you.