Recent content by Oaki

  1. O

    The oldest MMO game you've played

    Mine has to be Tibia. It was late 2001, it was my first ever contact with a real-time mmorpg. I was impressed. Really liked it.  (I also recall trying Ultima Online, but I think Tibia was earlier.) I went and played Tibia for years, often taking lengthy breaks and but I still have an account...
  2. O

    What's your favorite Anime intro / music video

    Here's one of my favorites. Mostly because when I was a kid, I watched this quite often, and really liked the song lyrics. Sang along even. It was adapted to my language, though. Which isn't necessarily bad. It was well made at least. I can probably...
  3. O

    Manga, Anime or Both?

    It has been literal years since I last saw an anime. I'm struggling to to remember the last one I watched. I think it probably was Princess Mononoke, maybe 3 years ago. Worth noticing how that's actually a movie-length  anime. For me it comes down to my love of reading -- I read a lot of books...
  4. O

    Hello, my name is Oaki and I'm a gameaholic!

    To makes matters worse, I'm also a mangaholic! Jokes aside, I just wanted to greet everyone from GamingForce. Nice to meet you all! Like I said, I'm Oaki, an avid gamer and manga enthusiast from Brazil. Nowadays I can't play as often as I'd like to. Unfortunately life happens :( In any case, I...