Recent content by polski691

  1. P

    Banned Xbox Commercial

    This was actually banned? :o I can understand the moral panic it might have had with the community if there had been any ACTUAL shooting involved, but this was just a bunch of adults, literally "playing pretend"! This getting banned bums me out a little. :( Even from an advertising standpoint...
  2. P

    Rockstars AGENT could still in Development

    This game was featured on 's list of "5 Incredible Real Video Games (You'll Probably Never Get To Play)", where it's described as "an open world stealth game..... essentially what would happen if Metal Gear Solid collided with Grand Theft Auto in a flurry of turtlenecks, mutton...
  3. P

    Xbox may drop in price again, sources say

    THIS. The PS4 already has more sway with the market now, and unless Microsoft does something with the price-point, it certainly is going to be a repeat of the beginning days of the seventh generation of consoles, with Sony utterly dominating. The 1TB PS4 already has a few little jabs in terms of...
  4. P

    End of the side scrolling Mario Games?

    This is nowhere near the death of the side scrolling Mario games, the main reason being this: Mario Maker gives the player access to blocks, enemies, and other assets previously seen in other Mario media. All they would really need is to introduce some sort of enemy variety, or a couple of...
  5. P

    PC vs Mobile - What would you choose between the two?

    This thread seems to be pretty unanimously supporting PC, and I would have to do the same! :D PC gaming is certainly at one of its pinnacles in terms of technology, gaming quality, and whatnot. You would be really hard-pressed to find any sort of mobile device that can keep up with the...
  6. P

    Cop Fired For Making Racist Threats On Xbox Live

    Okay, I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion here, but let's be honest: most of us say and do things over the internet when we believe that we have a cloak of anonymity to shield us from any consequences. And that is exactly what happened here: the fact that he was a police officer just...
  7. P

    Do you think the vita is dead?

    I do agree with most of what you guys say, but I also believe that the Vita has received some decent ports as well, like games from the Borderlands series. They certainly make for some familiarly fun gaming on the go, even those epic multiplayer sessions, and I think that is where the beauty of...
  8. P

    How Many Handhelds Have You Owned Over the Years?

    I have owned only two handhelds: the Nintendo DS Lite, and the Sony PSP. I would really have liked to buy more, but the PSP really made everything else obsolete. A year after I bought my PSP, I was beginning to find the library of games dull, having bought it towards the end of its lifetime...
  9. P

    Polish gamer testing the tides! ^^

    Hello everyone here at Gamingforce! My name is Lila, and I am an avid gamer (PCMasterRace represent!) and an avid anime/manga geek. ^^ I know we female gamers get a lot of bad press, what with Gamergate and all, so I sincerely hope that the atmosphere here will be welcoming and serene! ^^...