Recent content by regicide3342

  1. R

    World of Final Fantasy E3 Trailer

    I have to say that trailer is amazing. Then again, how good will the actual game be? Trailers tend to cheat you quite a  bit especially when describing gameplay.
  2. R

    The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes

    The zelda series just starts to feel boring. Why doesnt the storyline stop in a proper place? Gosh the games just keep coming :p.
  3. R

    Multiplayer or zombies?

    Do you prefer multiplayer or zombies? I tend to lean to the zombie mode as it gives challenge but still has that sandbox feel to it.
  4. R

    Do you play the campaigns?

    I tend to only play it if someone recommends it to me. I really dont like most of them so I play only the good ones. They are just plain boring to me.
  5. R

    Steam Sale Scams

    Wow I didnt even know that steam scams exist. Isnt steam supposed to be a legit store? I understand though that they have to make their money in one way or another :p .
  6. R

    Anyone here play LoL?

    Im diamond 4 this season but looking to reach master by the end of the season. The competition is getting tougher year by year so its a bit more difficult to achieve high ranks. Is there anyone who would like to duo by chance?
  7. R

    Gears of War 4

    This is awesome, I have been a fan from the first game. Really looking forwards to attend E3. Is anyone else coming? Possibly other gears fans that would like to meet up there?
  8. R


    I tend to buy a brand called close up. Just seems to be the best one for me. Makes my teeth so smooth and white :).