Recent content by Rux

  1. R

    Intel reveals Ubuntu OS-powered Compute Stick priced at $110

    Oh, so Ubuntu doesn't need that much RAM to function, but still. That's too low. I had a 1GB netbook a few years ago (won it from a competition at school). It had Windows 7 Starter and it was consuming %50 RAM and CPU from that alone. I installed XP instead. While it didn't lag when I had...
  2. R

    Remember SAMP Fever?

    Yea sometimes the nostalgia hits me so hard that I can't resist revisiting the old servers, but then I remember why I left not long afterwards. LVP used to have 50-150 players 24/7, but now it struggles to keep 20 and sometimes empties. You're right, you either had to get into it early or you...
  3. R

    Steam or Origin?

    Definitely Steam. Who would say Origin? :D In terms of amount of games, Steam wins. In terms of sales and good prices, Steam wins. In terms of overall client design and navigation, Steam wins. In terms of community, forums, and game reviews, once again Steam wins. I really don't see how Origin...
  4. R

    Remember SAMP Fever?

    I never expect to see this game's name appear anywhere because of how underrated it is xD. I started on SAMP back in 2007. I found RPGing a little pointless and too boring for a game so I joined Neo's Cops and Robbers looking for some action (back when that server was at its prime, I don't even...
  5. R

    Where do you find the best deals for games?

    Mostly Steam and Humble Bundle. Origin has a few good deals sometimes (they did make BF3 free for a while), but I don't choose them much because they don't have that many games anyway. GOG has some good deals sometimes. I got both The Witcher 1&2 for $7 from them.
  6. R

    Why did you choose a PC over a console?

    1. I'm used to the PC and a lot of the games I play are unplayable for me with controllers, namely FPS games. 2. I see no reason to buy a console if I'm comfortable with my PC and the games I play on it. Why not keep all my things at one place instead of inconveniencing myself with a console I...
  7. R

    A reflection of your own life's story

    I don't think one exists. But I do tend to relate deeply to a few stories especially the ones involving introverted socially awkward high school students lol. Tomoko from Watamote, and Hikigaya from Oregairu are the only ones I can think of at the moment. Also this next one may be different...
  8. R

    Does English translated manga exist in Japan?

    Ugh, too bad. Japanese manga costs a fraction of the translated versions I find on Amazon (ironically it's more expensive in local stores here than in Amazon, including international shipping costs). I understand the increase in price but it still feels painful to drop 3 times what you would've...
  9. R

    Intel reveals Ubuntu OS-powered Compute Stick priced at $110

    This is simply too low to have any meaningful practical use. 1GB of RAM is barely enough for phones nowadays let alone a 'PC', I feel they went backwards a little bit with this release.
  10. R

    How much is your Steam library worth?

    I only started getting into Steam games the start of this year (despite having the profile for over 5 years), so it ended up looking like this... Not surprised, I haven't spent that much since I started except on sales.
  11. R

    What canceled / on hold Manga or Anime are you waiting on?

    I never heard of Dragon Eye, but unpopularity and poor sales can be a major reason why an author decides to drop a series. If he's picked up another series then this is probably the reason.
  12. R

    Does English translated manga exist in Japan?

    I'm just wondering. If by some miracle I end up in Japan I want to make sure I stock up on a lifetime's supply of manga and merchandise (don't really care about anime DVDs/Blurays, too expensive). Would they have English translated manga on the shelves? Or would they cost more than regular manga...
  13. R

    D-Grey Man Manga Relaunches

    I certainly hope it's at least 100 pages. Because I don't imagine 60 being enough for a once every 3 months release. But maybe they're taking it easy on her because she's just coming back. I'd probably be frustrated as hell if it ends up being 20 pages per chapter again lol. We used to wait a...
  14. R

    How many games do you have installed on your PC right now?

    I only have 500 GB and since games are so huge nowadays, I can only keep 7-8 games at a time, and that's usually plentiful for me. At the moment I have Witcher 1&2, Borderlands, Battlefield 3&4, Osu, Counter-Strike GO, and Left4Dead 2. I also have other games that don't take a lot of space like...
  15. R

    How difficult do you like it?

    Mostly balanced between hard and fun. If it's impossibly hard, it's no fun. If it's hard but achievable with some time, effort, and thought about strategy, that's the kind of game I like. Challenging is good until it starts becoming frustrating instead.