Recent content by Shole

  1. Shole

    What mobile games are actually worth playing?

    So far there are really a few that I enjoy, being a PC gamer most of my life. For example I love free fire, PUBG, Rift Lol and TFT LoL as well, but other than that, not many good games out there yet. What's your favourite, I might find something new to play on my phone :D
  2. Shole

    What's the best fighting game that you can play with multiple people on the Switch?

    Many people suggested to me Smash Brothers as the best fighting game, but since I am not that into the whole Nintendo fandom I am a bit undecided on buying it. Are there any other better options?
  3. Shole

    Have you ever considered streaming, and is it too late to start now?

    I did it a bit when I worked in Romania as I had free time and also good internet, but now back home I just can't get good internet even tho I want I want to continue I just can't :( What are your thoughts on streaming? Is it good to start now even tho if there are so many people streaming?
  4. Shole

    What happened to the Heroes of Might & Magic Franchise?

    What happened to the Heroes of Might & Magic Franchise? I mean the last one I played that was good was HOMM IV and it was nice, incomparable to III but still ok. Then what followed is just simply put disgusting. I can't play VI or VII it's just so bad. Any reason for why they changed so drastically?
  5. Shole

    Sports games better on PS than on other consoles or pc?

    I feel that when I play NBA2k on the PlayStation it seems to run smoother or just the feel is better. Like it feels more realistic than on the pc(even when using a controller). Are sports games better on PS than on other gaming devices, or is it just me?
  6. Shole

    Old games emulator?

    I am kinda looking for an emulator with games from the 90s, do you guys and girls and others have any suggestions for a good one that will work with buggy windows 10 XD
  7. Shole

    Is PS5 VR good or just not living up to the hype?

    I saw it, I heard it's good, but I never tried it. Is it fun to play in VR and are there good games out for it? I just saw some star wars slash game which looked to me like a advanced version of fruit ninja XD
  8. Shole

    Does the switch make you sick during car rides?

    Like there is always a limit on how much you can look at the screen while playing a game and going somewhere with the car, but is the switch better at it than a regular phone?
  9. Shole

    Should I sell my gaming lapotp?

    So I have a Rog Strix III with 2060 nvdia graphic card, i7 intel core and so on, it's quite a heavy machine. I am not sure how much I can get for it since it is two years old and it has it's spearker damaged, it's cooler for the cp sounds rough and needs to be changed. So my question is the...
  10. Shole

    Why would you buy an XBox over a pc?

    Genuine question, not trying to stir hate or anything, but what are the perks of an Xbox compared to a pc?
  11. Shole

    Is it me or do we start to get bad strategy games lately?

    I feel like none of the newer one, referring to RTS mostly, can't compare to Warcraft, Starcraft, Command&Conquer and so on. I don't know if it is just me or if the marked has shifted, but I just didn't connect to any of the newer strategies. Well besides Total War, that was fine but not a huge...
  12. Shole

    Winter and Xmas Sales anyone?

    So are you waiting for any good game to be sold cheap on steam or epic games or any other platform during the hollidays :D? I am hopeful for Stardrew Valley to become cheaper at like 9.99$ or something so I can get it for me and my gf :D
  13. Shole

    Last program used

    The last program I used was Photoshop to edit some images for my blog :D
  14. Shole

    Resident Evil: Origins Collection

    Resident Evil is a nice series and I played it on the Sony a few times, Sony 1 rememer that xD?
  15. Shole

    One Piece: Adventure of Nebulandia Will air on 19 Dec 2015

    Oh god I hate the Foxy Pirates, I hate them and I hope they get beat up really bad xD