Emoluvjd2 Nov 4, 2011 You joined a day before me. D: Also, you've been posting on your own wall instead of other people's.
F F Flaming Machete13 Dec 12, 2010 ok.i thought you were my girlfriend's dad. he usually uses sketch as his username on websites and talks similiarly to you lol
ok.i thought you were my girlfriend's dad. he usually uses sketch as his username on websites and talks similiarly to you lol
F F Flaming Machete13 Dec 10, 2010 i think i know you.do the names talya and ana mean anything to you?
Z Z Zexis Dec 7, 2010 Would you let me love you let me love long time? ... Err, forget I ever said that <.<
CM30 Nov 20, 2010 Fine, thankfully. It's just I don't want this site to lose activity as it launches.
N N NintenDan Nov 14, 2010 Well, for starters, I never read the rules, heh. Secondly, I liked my name... it had way too many memories, maaaaaaan.
Well, for starters, I never read the rules, heh. Secondly, I liked my name... it had way too many memories, maaaaaaan.
Porkman Nov 8, 2010 sorry, I wasn't able to approve your friend request. Weird, it sends me the notification..then shows nobody on my list.
sorry, I wasn't able to approve your friend request. Weird, it sends me the notification..then shows nobody on my list.