Recent content by The Hulk

  1. The Hulk

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas everyone! In another hour and a half it'll be Boxing Day for me!
  2. The Hulk

    Error with shop item

    Yes thanks :)
  3. The Hulk

    Error with shop item It's supposed to give an extra 15% chance but only gave me an extra 5% chance.
  4. The Hulk

    Do you celebrate Halloween

    I don't personally do anything for Halloween where I live but I take part in it on forums I'm active on. In New Zealand it's not as big as it is in other countries.
  5. The Hulk

    Daily GL General Chat

    Hey everyone. How are you all?
  6. The Hulk

    How Old Are You? - - If you would not mind answering this please.

    I'm 31. I'll be 32 in February.
  7. The Hulk

    Do you buy Pizza from smaller local Pizza restaurants?

    I love going to local stores for pizza. Being able to support them over the big companies is great especially when they lost a lot of money during covid.
  8. The Hulk

    RIP Michael Gambon

    I miss him so much. Gone are Hagrid, Snape and now both Dumbledore's. We've still got younger Dumbledore aka Jude Law but I am not so much a fan of his as I was Gambon. Gambon was also amazing in the Doctor Who episode where he played a version of Scrooge in one of their Christmas episodes.
  9. The Hulk

    Shop Item Bold

    Gaming Titan Dark Style. It seems that the shop item doesn't change anything.
  10. The Hulk

    Shop Item Bold

    It's ticked for active. I've turned it on and off and regardless of the setting it doesn't do anything.
  11. The Hulk

    Shop Item Bold

    I've purchased shop item bold but it doesn't appear to have worked? Either that or my eyes aren't that great :madlaugh:
  12. The Hulk

    Roald Dahl

    One of my favorite authors is Roald Dahl! His books are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG, Fantastic Mr. Fox, James & The Giant Peach, Matilda and a lot more. Anyone else a fan? My favorite book of his is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  13. The Hulk

    Dice with Buddies

    Another mobile game I enjoy playing is called Dice with Buddies. It's a social yahtzee game but it doesn't just have the traditional yathzee style game. They have tournaments etc. It's available for Apple & Android.
  14. The Hulk

    Minion Rush

    There's a game called Minion Rush based on the Despicable Me movies for Android and Apple. It's one of those runner games! I'm addicted to the game and it's my favorite mobile game. Does anyone else play it?
  15. The Hulk

    Ever been stuck in an elevator?

    I've almost been stuck in one! It just wouldn't do anything for a couple minutes. Luckily I was with my partner and we didn't have anyone else in so it would have been quiet if we were stuck.