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  • Glad you think so!
    GAH, just got up to the Distant Spring yesterday. After a quick look around, I don't think I have enough Pikmin to even start with it... (3 Bulbears in ONE LITTLE AREA?? SERIOUSLY??!!) Plus, I wanna battle the Smoky Progg.
    Hey Wasabi! I haven't been on for a few days but I had a GOOD reason - I got Pikmin 1 and have been playing that as much as possible.
    Me. You will use weapons all the way from machine guns to Flamethrowers. You now will only live, to cause my death. And that's how you'll be next time you appear. Good?
    Killer robots have to emotions. They only have the goal they were programef for and will accomplish it no matter what it takes. Your mission that you gave yourself is to kill me. You will try anything to succeede in my annihilation. You want to have your revenge on me. And death is the way you see fit. You will do anything to try to kill me. You will use all your weapons in your possession to kill
    Ooops... I didn't think about that!
    Hmmm... Mayeb they are off to find 'the key' (the treasure in Pikmin 2) to seal away a threat to their planet that is the final boss?
    Ok, sure!
    How about something along the lines of Olimar not returning for ages and the Pikmin can't fend for themselves very well due to one enemy. They are the last Pikmin on the planet and in order to survive they must beat the final boss.
    Yep... But t doesn't have to be a Titan Dweevil. Maybe have an incredibly large Emperor Bulblax with those stats, or something similar.
    Basically... But (I just realised, thanks for saying that) that's actually a bit too similar. Maybe have one that can shoot fire as well as jumping on Pikmin?
    For a Final Boss, why not have an enemy that can use all the different elements (fire, water, electricity and poison) as well as basic attacks, one of which 'buries' the Pikmin?
    Ok... Have you made a new variation of the 'swooping snitchbug'? Maybe one that immobilizes a Pikmin on the first turn before doing massive damage on the second?
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