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  • I guess. The classic really has no plot besides the fact that Dr. Wily tries to take over the world with 8 master robots, besides in MM 1 where there are only 6, and Mega has to stop them. X has an extensive story line and if you play Zero first like I did, you will be lost. Same with ZX. I know nothing of the Legend series though.
    ZX is for DS, and Starforce games are for DS.
    Also there is a time line. It's Mega Man classic, x, Zero, ZX, and Legends. BN and SF are alternate universe MM games.
    MM 1-MM 6 is for NES, 7 is for SNES, 8 is for Playstation and Sega Saturn, 9 and 10 are for Wiiware. Mega Man X is for SNES-PS2. Mega Man Legends is for PS1 and N64. Legends 2 may also be for N64 and PS1, but I'm not sure. All Battle Networks are for GBA besides one for the GC. Zero games are for GBA besides the Zero Collection which is for DS.
    They're amazing, but they're one of those games that it's better to have an actual system for or you'll get screwed over. Besides the Battle Network series on GBA, but they're not as fun imo.
    Honestly I don't know anything about those spacific Pokemon games. I had Red Rescue Team, but after that I never got into the series. So in other words, I don't know.
    Yeah. I might try to fix it again. Also I'm a fan, but I wouldn't say a huge fan persay. I mean I do love the series, but I just wanted the game badly. Actually remember how I was talking about the girl I like? Well she got me my first Mega Man game which happened to be the Zero Collection.
    Also I persuaded my mom to drive 31.1 miles if GameStop doesn't have Mega Man Anniversary Collection back online in about 2 weeks. I've said this 3 times, but I'm so excited.
    Yeah. Lt. Surge has a freaking surfing Raichu. So if I have a ground type or a rock type it kills me, if I use fire it kills me, Electric does like no damage. I guess psychic, but I don't know.
    Thanks. I'll do that like tomorrow. Also I love stadium, but I can't beat Lt. Surge. Him and his unfair surfing Raichu. >_<
    Oh I made a new sig for myself. Could you do me a favor and tell me how it looks? I know it looks like crap, but I just want your opinon on it. It's my first thing made in GIMP that I made from scratch.
    That's also true. It's also the fact that I cheated all my Pokemon to level 100, but the game was still kicking my butt. >_<
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