Is the speakers on your smartphone or tablet loud enough for you?


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I find the speakers on most smartphones and tablets could be louder, so I can still hear them in louder places with loud music from a TV or stereo.
Not really to be honest.

Sometimes it's fine but sometimes it's not. Well, all in all I am okay with it I suppose.
In a normal situation, they are okay. But if I'm in a situation where there is a lot of noise, I don't know if they work that well or not. I've got my phone set up to vibrate as well as ring so even if I can't hear it ringing, I'm going to be able to feel the vibration.
Not really to be honest.

Sometimes it's fine but sometimes it's not. Well, all in all I am okay with it I suppose.

I am usually okay with the volume of my tablet and cell phones as well. I don't expect to have very loud speakers on my smartphone an tablets since I buy more affordable smartphones and tablets where the speaker is not as loud as more expensive smartphones and tablets.

I can use headphones to listen to audio, or an external speaker like wireless Bluetooth speaker if I need to listen to louder audio and music. I can also use a desktop computer, or laptop to watch the video, or listen to music at a louder volume.
I am usually okay with the volume of my tablet and cell phones as well. I don't expect to have very loud speakers on my smartphone an tablets since I buy more affordable smartphones and tablets where the speaker is not as loud as more expensive smartphones and tablets.

I can use headphones to listen to audio, or an external speaker like wireless Bluetooth speaker if I need to listen to louder audio and music. I can also use a desktop computer, or laptop to watch the video, or listen to music at a louder volume.
Well, right now my earphones are what surprises me the most. They are very clear and very loud. Half of the time I get the feeling that the song is being played out loud but that's not the case at all. .... Which is just. .. well weird
Not the best, but good enough.