
  1. Artisan Vistra

    Multi It's Very Much Implied TFB Is Making Spyro...

    The news is Microsoft struck a deal with the recently declared indie studio Toys For Bob on a new game. There are many references to Crash and Spyro on their official site and sources. Spyro is definitely planning to show up. I'd give it some months for an announcement and a year for the release.
  2. Demon_Skeith

    PS5 Rest Mode Crashes?

    I've put my PS5 into rest mode a few times and nearly every time it has crashed and had to rebuild itself on startup. Anyone else experience this?
  3. froggyboy604

    Post-update Windows 10 PCs crash when Amazon Kindle eReader is plugged in

    Some Kindles are crashing PCs that have received the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, an issue that has come to light shortly after news that many webcams were broken by the update. According to recent reports, when some Kindles are plugged into these PCs, the computer will crash, resulting in a...
  4. Demon_Skeith

    N64 Want to crash Paper Mario 64?

    Just keep on hitting that block, 4,294,967,295 times.....