Other ‘Bloodborne Kart’ to Get Stripped of ‘Bloodborne’ Content After a Request by Sony


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Well, it was going to happen, eventually. Lilith Walther‘s Bloodborne Kart as we know it is getting a makeover. Luckily, the project isn’t cancelled, but thanks to Sony, Bloodborne is out.

In a new YouTube video, Walther does the “long story short” deal explaining that Sony had contacted them to ask that the game be scrubbed of Bloodborne content. As a result, the April Fool’s Day gag come to life will have a “short delay” before being released with an altered look. “As much as I pushed for this to be ‘the meme made real’ so to speak, turning this into an original game that we have full creative control over is kind of exciting,” explained Walther.

Bloodborne Kart, which began over a year ago, was going to be your typical kart racer set inside the Soulslike’s universe, complete with a campaign mode that would have the player progress through levels (that also included boss fights) tied together with a little bit of story. The game was to feature 12 characters and 16 maps from Bloodborne, split-screen local multiplayer, and a battle mode.

Beating levels would reward the player with racer and kart unlocks, blood echoes to level up, and insight, with the amounts depending on your performance in that level. Collecting all of the insight would unlock “something special at the end.”