2017 Gaming


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What games are you looking forward to this year? What do you hope to hear about or plan to purchase?
I'm planning to purchase The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, that new 3D Mario game and any other cool titles the Nintendo Switch may have in the next year. Yooka-Laylee too, as well as A Hat in Time or Lobodestroyo if either gets a release in 2017.
Honestly I'm still really enjoying games I bought last year, like BF1..it's amazing. So it's going to be hard for me to get really excited about anything new right now.

I'm quite looking forward Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands, watched a few YouTube videos and was pretty impressed with the game.
Right now I'm only excited for the new Zelda game and I don't even think I'll be able to get the Switch at launch so I'm secretly hoping the Zelda game misses launch for my own selfish purposes.

We'll see as the year goes on though.
I might get The Legend of Zelda Breath for the Nintendo Switch, if it comes out this year, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe looks pretty cool, it finally has Battle Courses in it.
Super Mario Odyssey is the one should i can get it.
Breath of the Wild is the first and louder one that pops into my mind.