3DS Date Sparks Concerns


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The news of a release date for Nintendo's 3DS hasn't been met with universal acclaim, with shares falling more than 9% after the announcement and as analysts predict a rocky few months for the company.

"We had been expecting a November launch for Japan, so the news was a disappointment," one analyst told Reuters.

"[Nintendo] are struggling with product transitions," another analyst added. "Those are struggles that will be ongoing for the next couple years for their Wii and 3DS, and I think that raises red flags among investors for the company's fundamentals over the medium term."

Nintendo's President, Satoru Iwata, has reportedly blamed the delay on the company's inability to match the high demand for the handheld.

However, Jesse Divnich of EEDAR has praised the delay, believing it will give third party developers more time to create a stellar list of launch games. "EEDAR believes that Nintendo's decision to launch in North America and Europe in 2011 has little to do with manufacturing limitations," Divnich said in an official statement, "By allowing additional development time through March 2011, a superior product lineup should be available at launch, something all gamers can appreciate."


why should Nintendo stocks be falling? Hell if I had money I bet putting it into Nintendo stock.
I, too, was not happy about the release date. They showed basically a full copy at E3. Few more adjustments, and ta-da! I was hoping November everywhere, but I guess not. >_>