5 Reasons to Buy a $188 Laptop


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For less than $200 the HP Stream 14 is a surprisingly decent budget laptop on the cheap.

I'm surprised HP can sell this laptop for $182 on Amazon. I wonder if HP, Amazon and other store is selling this laptop at a loss because it is hard to sell at a higher price of $200 to $300.
Seems decent for those who want to use it just for online usage.
It could be good for most lightweight offline tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, and playing music and standard definition video files.

The laptop's black case makes this laptop look more suitable in an office compared to other cheap HP laptops like the HP Stream 11 which comes in bright pink, and blue.
Honestly I have been looking to get a laptop..
My laptop would give out soon and I have been thinking of getting two laptops at a cheaper price...so that I don't have to carry it with me when I am travelling to my hometown...so...a 200$ laptop sounds really good to me ^^
I think this laptop could be good for basic photo editing where you just want to change the brightness, contrast, and color quality of a smaller size photo, and crop or enlarge a picture.

This laptop maybe good for basic video edits where a user just want to change the brightness of the video, add subtitles, shorten a long video clip to 1 minute, so a user can upload it to Instagram which has a 1 minute time limit.