$99 Ouya Google Android Console Just Hit Its $950,000 Kickstarter Goal After Only Eight Hours


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Ouya which is a $99 Google Android based hackable console which it Kickstarter crowd funding goal of $950,000 at 9 AM ET with 8,000 backers.

The Console will be released in March 2013


Update: 4:24 PM PT July 12



Current Funds Raised


Good for Ouya for reaching their goal, so quickly. I wonder what they do with the extra money after the 29 days of funding since at this rate they might get $30 million or more if they can continue getting over 1 million dollars or more per day for the next 29 days of funding left.

I wonder are one of the backers Google or big companies which have strong relationships with Google Android like Asus, Samsung, Acer and Motorola which also make Cellphones, Tablets, and computers with Google Android and Chrome OS installed on them.

This look like a great console for independent, hobbyist, and smaller developers which got rejected by the big game makers, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but still want to share or sell their games to users since Ouya is less strict, and user learn make and share games for it easily.

I never really expected Google Android to enter the Game Console industry so soon, and thought Android will mostly be used for Smartpones, Tablets, and Mini PCs.
froggy, i think im the only ever person ithat reads your posts :p
... OUYA
There used to be more people on GF which read posts, but I think a few anonymous/non-members on here read posts I post judging by the viewcount on my posts unless most of them are bots like Google Bot.
yeah probs
I am not 100% sure what the Ouya is. Is it just an Android console basically that can be hacked?

And Zack, you CAN NOT double post. This is the second time we had to inform you.
The Ouya is a Android console with a controller. It's hardware and software can be hacked without voiding the warranty.

Games are also made like Google Android games, so people who already have skills in making Android games can more easily make games for the Ouya controller based console rather then touch controls.

Most likely, a lot of people who buy the Ouya will use it to emulate old games from the Nintendo, Gameboy, SNES, PSX, N64, PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube era of video games since this console is hackable.

Most Ouya games will be "free to play" like a few free levels to test out the game, but it lets game makers players buy the full game, items, expansion pack, or features, so piracy won't be as big of a problem since there is nothing to pirate like disc based games, and it is more difficult to pirate DLC.
Oh, it can emulate the 6th generation? That is awesome. I might invest. Also, is all the Android market games available for it?
Oh, it can emulate the 6th generation? That is awesome. I might invest. Also, is all the Android market games available for it?

I found a FAQ section on Ouya Kickstarter section which kind of answers some of your questions.


Is this just about playing mobile and tablet games on my TV?

No. Nope. Nyet. Nein. Can we say it more clearly?

OUYA was not created merely to host ports of existing Android games. We’ve built this badboy to play the most creative content from today’s best known AAA game designers as well as adored indie gamemakers.

That said, we believe many existing Android games will feel bigger and better on a TV with a real controller. And we’ve heard from developers like Brian Fargo and Adam Saltsman that the controller will be the most exciting reason to develop for OUYA. We hope they speak for all developers when they say OUYA will inspire new forms of gameplay.

Is Minecraft going to be on it?

Mojang has committed that Minecraft (and their other games) will be on OUYA -- but only if we prove that we can make a great product (that’s our job) AND enough people want their games (that’s your job). Show them with your numbers that you want Minecraft on OUYA!

Can there be other apps, other than games on it?

We can support any apps built for Android. We'll be launching with Twitch.TV and can't wait for more partners. If you have an Android app you'd like to see on OUYA, let us know at devs@ouya.tv.

When you say OUYA is “open,” what does that mean exactly? Can I do anything I want with it?
When we say, “open” we mean it. We’ve made many decisions based on this philosophy:

Launching on Kickstarter – this isn't just a way to raise funds. It's our way of involving supporters from the get go. We want your feedback as well as your support.

For gamers, we believe that OUYA will be more open than any platform on the market to a broad range of content that is really new and interesting, from the best known names in games to exciting indies that you may be getting to know for the first time.

For developers, open means that any developer can publish a game – if you've got a game, you can put it on OUYA. You can price your game however you like – it's your game! We just want to help you bring it to life on the TV. Just make some part of the experience free to the OUYAs. We use open-source software and standard chipsets – we're on Android because developers are speaking the language. Our chipsets aren't proprietary or secretive – open OUYA up and have a look! We’ll even publish the hardware design if people want it.

For hackers: root it. Go ahead. Your warranty is safe. Even the hardware is hackable. Want to get inside? You’ll need a standard screwdriver and nothing more. Go to town. We have standard USB ports and Bluetooth, so you’ll even be able to create your own peripherals.

As with every platform, though, we have to balance openness with a quality user experience. So we'll have a standard user interface. We'll curate your games in our storefront so they're easy for everyone to get to. And we’ll require that all games we put in our store include a free experience. If you don’t like our choices, root the device and make it your own.
The Ouya is a Android console with a controller. It's hardware and software can be hacked without voiding the warranty.

Games are also made like Google Android games, so people who already have skills in making Android games can more easily make games for the Ouya controller based console rather then touch controls.

Most likely, a lot of people who buy the Ouya will use it to emulate old games from the Nintendo, Gameboy, SNES, PSX, N64, PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube era of video games since this console is hackable.

Most Ouya games will be "free to play" like a few free levels to test out the game, but it lets game makers players buy the full game, items, expansion pack, or features, so piracy won't be as big of a problem since there is nothing to pirate like disc based games, and it is more difficult to pirate DLC.

I want one 0.o seriously it sounds awesome.
There are now 36,882 who pledge, and 31021 of them pledge more then $99 dollars to get one sent to them if or when this console is released in March 2013.

It is crazy that the pledges total is now at $4,723,095 USD since people rarely donate a lot of money online on their own free will.

According to the comments a lot of people are also planing to use this console for mainly Netflix, Hulu, and playing back their video and music collection, emulators for older consoles on the TV, and also playing a few indie games like Minecraft on the TV.

I want one as well, but I think I wait till March 2013 or latter to see if it can also be bought locally in stores like Best Buy, or online at Amazon or eBay.

I like that it is $99 dollars, so it is affordable to most people.
The Ouya is also cheaper then all current game consoles, Google Android Tablets, Smart TV with apps for Cloud gaming and offline gaming and the same price as the Onlive Cloud gaming console, but the Ouya can also play games from Cloud gaming services like Onlive, and Offline games for Android, and in its DLC store when it release.

Commenters on YouTube thinks the games for Ouya will look similar to this video showings Nvidia Tegra 3 Gameplay from different games because the Tegra 3 is used in the Ouya as the videocard.

Yes, it is $99 according to http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ouya/ouya-a-new-kind-of-video-game-console