A little project of mine

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I will have a year off in a few months after I finish my A-Level exams before I go to university. So I thought I would start a little coding project and decided to make a sort of gaming news/social network type website - coded using Python Flask. Just wanted to share some screenshot of the homepage.

Looks nice to me. If you ever launch it as a real website, I'm quite happy to join.
Thanks everyone. The site will be released as a proper gaming social network, around September of this year hopefully.

very nice (a year though? I know its nice but you don't want your studies to rust), I hope you code a nice site :)
Uni is a big jump to be honest and most of what I learn't in college is most likely going to be the basics. I'm also taking Business Computing so this coding project should hopefully mean I don't get too rusty with my coding skills.

Just posting the login screen:
Looks nice, kingscool52. I'm not very good at coding so I envy you. I could never do any of the things in this thread. I wish you the best of luck at uni.
Looks nice, kingscool52. I'm not very good at coding so I envy you. I could never do any of the things in this thread. I wish you the best of luck at uni.
Thank you very much. To be honest it is not that difficult if you have time to spend practicing and learning different bits of code. I've slowly learnt Python over the past two years but learning to use Flask to make sites only took me around 3-4 months.

Just wanted to showcase the registration and reset password pages
Started working on a few little things coding wise. I have coded the login, register & reset password links have all been setup
Also made a little cookie notice - thoughts on this? It will be on the bottom left and will appear on all pages until dismissed.

The idea was to kind of make it annoying so that people actually read the contents and then dismissed the alert. Do you think I should make the box smaller or place it in a different place (like maybe a bar at the bottom going across the screen?)
A screenshot of the blog. Everything is automated, so I will have a back-end where staff can post articles, news etc. I will also be coding the forum myself as I can't seem to find a decent way to integrate the database of the site and myBB for example.

Looks good, but a lot of empty space.
A better picture here. Blog posts will be in columns so not much empty space. The bit next to the categories button will have some advertising

The page layout for blog posts. Of course I will be posting much more in terms of content, just wanted to test it out which is why there is not much text. A comments system will be right below that with social sharing buttons
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Glad you like it :D. The following gif shows some parts of the staff panel although most of it is not completed yet
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