Acer's coolest new PC lets you build a computer like Lego bricks


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Building your own computer is starting to come back in style thanks to initiatives like Phonebloks and Google's Project Ara, and now Acer is bringing that idea to the desktop. It's introducing a new PC today called the Revo Build Series, which starts as a small core block and can then be built upon by adding new bricks on top of it. Imagine having a vertical tower of Lego pieces, only with every piece you add, the tower gains a new ability

cer calls these add-ons "blocks." It'll initially be offering blocks with a 500GB hard drive, a 1TB hard drive, a wireless charging dock, a speaker unit, a GPU, a projector, and a microphone. Additional blocks will be "rolled out gradually," but Acer doesn't say how often or what's coming next. It doesn't even say the price of these blocks yet.

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This does look like a good PC for people who want to easily upgrade their PC with building block style parts.
There is probably a metal plug and outlet on the top, and bottom of the blocks, so they can connect together,