Add Music to your Profile


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Profile Music
If you're reading this then you want to put music on your profile! To give those checking out your info a bit of personal enjoyment. To enable and get this done, first you must go to the GL store and purchase the item:

Once you have purchased it, you just need to go to your inventory, by clicking the down arrow on the Shop tab and once the page loads hit configure on the item in your inventory as so:


Then this popup box will appear


where you can paste in any link that ends in .mp3 or .wav

To put in such a link, you will need a hosting site that will allow hosting of a music file to be played, you can use any such site or you can use our hosting from the media section:


Once you uploaded the song, go to it and right-click on the play button, then select copy audio location and paste it in the box that pops up in step two of this guide.

Then head to your profile page and a Music player will appear in the right-hand side. You can only do one song at time, so make it a monthly theme! We are working on better alts, so enjoy this for now!


Gaming Latest is not a site meant for sharing any music file, all files uploaded should NOT be downloaded by anyone. Anyone caught doing this could face being banned or worse by local authorities in regard to stolen music theft. This feature could be shut down should we catch anyone abusing it.
Awesome, might have to get this for my profile. Is it safe for you though to store these files? Even if someone doesn't download it, it could be seen as a way to distribute music.
Awesome, might have to get this for my profile. Is it safe for you though to store these files? Even if someone doesn't download it, it could be seen as a way to distribute music.

we're small enough I'll keep an eye on things. But if we grew bigger I'll kill this for sure.

Would be cool if linked YT and Soundcloud, Spotify in future

Going to look into it, I think we had it on the jcink or ibp version of our site at one time.
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we're small enough I'll keep an eye on things. But if we grew bigger I'll kill this for sure.

Going to look into it, I think we had it on the jcink or ibp version of our site at one time.