Age Difference in Love


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Weather it be a 40 year old with a 18 year old, 70 year old with a 40 year old.

Do you believe age difference in love matters and is right or wrong?
With two consenting adults or mature adults, it won't matter, but yeah, if its with for example, a young maiden and a 40-year-old male, then it would really matter for me. Why? Because younger people cannot make wise decisions.
Obviously you only start looking at it when legality isn't an issue. I mean if you take a 20 year old, using the above makes it 17 which is obviously illegal in America (I believe). It isn't the case in Britain though (our age of consent is 16) but to be honest it is only used as a guideline more than anything.
Also, the power or the prerogative to consent to sex is an issue in this case, Reicha. I meant, if you're dating a minor, and said minor wanted to have sex with you, then its against the jurisdiction.
I don't think it's any problem at all! As long as the two people involved love each other, that's all that really matters.

I personally love older guys myself XD
Like mid thirties to early 40's, OMGUR hot XD

I've noticed that there are more age differences in gay couples, than straight ones.. from what I have seen.
I will always think that Keith Richards is a creeper. He is like 60+ and married a 16/17 year old. Ew. And there is a fine line between appropriate age difference, and inappropriate. A few years, no big deal. 10 years, meh. 20+ years, dude, you were 20 when they weren't even born. It seems creepy to me.
Something I always thought was what if they were going to die well before you because of how old they are? It's just a thought.
I will always think that Keith Richards is a creeper. He is like 60+ and married a 16/17 year old. Ew. And there is a fine line between appropriate age difference, and inappropriate. A few years, no big deal. 10 years, meh. 20+ years, dude, you were 20 when they weren't even born. It seems creepy to me.

You can add Doug Hutchinson from the Green Mile to that title as well. He is a legally married pedophile.

I couldn't agree more, but on that note, age doesn't mean shit without maturity. I know someone who was the much younger half of his previous relationship, and not only was he the most mature, but he was the sane one as well.

There is something that is quite off about a person who is willing to be with someone that is not only young enough to be your child, but your grand child as well. Ick factor and maturity differences aside, there would be issues where relatability is concerned. Both parties would feel like they have to study in order to stay relevant to the other and know what they are talking about, and be able to relate to them in ways other than sexually. It sounds easy in the short term, but isn't sustainable or realistic in the long run, especially, if/when one or both parties are tired and lose interest in the other and want someone closer to their own age.

Personally though, the farthest I'll go in age is either, 2 years younger, same age, or 3 years older. My husband is 3 years, 2 months, 6 days older than I am.. so I guess that I'm not much of a stickler on age..
There's a 10 year age difference between my ex and I, my being 21 when we met, his being 31. It's said that we ladies mature faster than men,
and I must say that after this relationship, I'm more apt to believe it. Of course the age difference should matter when one party is not yet legal, thats
a given. Because then it's no longer an issue of being morally correct more so than it's a legality issue which takes everything to a whole new zone.
But age differences between 2 consenting adults? Nahhh...there shouldn't be anything wrong that. Maturity isn't classified just for older persons.
I know some immature and mature young adults and some immature and mature older adults. It depends on the person. So I suppose every case
which includes people with significant age differences should be looked at separately.
Age doesn't mean a thing to me, I was extremely mature at 15 (not to sound cocky or anything) and I've seen people in their 50's that act like little children always gossing and into the drama scene (which is usually a scene associated with teenagers) so it really goes both ways...if you get along with a perfect on different levels then there you go, don't let age even be a thought in your mind. If you connect on a mature and intelligent level, that is.