Alright people...


Well-Known Member
I was sitting on the main page thinking what to write about, and I came to the conclusion that the best thing to write about is what you guys want to hear about. So that being said, gimme topics, games, walkthrough suggestions, review suggestions, and I'll do the research/play the game if I haven't all ready, and put together an article. I'm a halfway decent writer and I like to think I have an extended vocabulary, so have at it if you will. If not... I'll get bored and think up something of my own accord to write about
Uh...................... Thank you for the offer for one.

But right now, nothing really comes to mind.....
To try and give you some ideas, something that will invite people to start up a good discussion would be great. Something about games could work, but then it might not. Thinking up something to post about is freakin' hard too, I have a wave of ideas, do them, and then I'm stuck again. I want to make more topics but I just can't think.