Amazon is refunding Prime phone buyers who paid to remove ads


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Amazon's Prime Exclusive phones have great prices, but there was a big catch. You had to allow ads on your home screen and if you changed your mind later, it could cost up to $50 to opt out. Buyers got a bonus last week when Amazon decided to eliminate the ads, saying they could interfere with facial recognition and cause other issues. That's great, but it what about folks who paid the fee to get rid of them? Amazon has agreed to refund it in the form of a gift card, essentially closing the chapter on its Prime Exclusive phone ad experiment.

Amazon is refunding Prime phone buyers who paid to remove ads

In a way, Amazon unintentional borrowed millions of dollars from buyers by charging an extra $50 to remove ads. But, now Amazon is refunding/paying back the $50 to users in the form of a $50 giftcard.

If Amazon used the $50 remove ads fee money to put in a high interest savings account or invest in Bitcoin, stocks, or buy smaller companies, Amazon would earn a lot of extra money from bank interests or the rising price of Bitcoin, stocks, and smaller companies.
At least they are being reasonable to those affected.
Honestly you can get anything on Amazon these days so a gift card is good as cash.

I agree, it is usually as good as cash unless you desperately need to save more money to pay off all your cash loans from a credit card, bank loans, or bills like electricity and cable tv where Amazon Giftcards are usually not accepted.