Amazon may give away its Smartphone for free


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Rumors of a smartphone from Amazon are nothing new. They have been floating around since before the inception of the original Kindle Fire. But a new report from Amir Efrati and Jessica E. Lessin (formerly of the Wall Street Journal) suggests that not only is Amazon working on a smartphone, but that it might offer it for free.


I like that the Smartphone is given away for free, but I got a feeling that users would need to sign up for 1-2 years of Amazon Prime which is Amazon's movie, music, and ebook streaming service, or it will get bundle for free with a 2 year contract like most budget Smartphones, and regular cell phones.

I wonder have electronics become so cheap to make that Amazon can give them away for free when users sign up for Amazon Prime which is only $79 a year.
If it wants to break into the market, I say this is a must.
Amazon can still make money from selling apps, eBooks, music, movies, tv shows, and physical products people buy with an Amazon Smartphones.

A lot of older and cheaper smartphones like the iPhone 4S, and Samsung Galzxy S3 are sold for free or hundreds of dollars below the actual cost like $49.99 with a 2 year contracts, so the cellphone service provider is giving away the phone, and the cell phone users pay for $50-80 a month for the services for the phone like calls, texting, and data. After some time, ATT, Verizon, and T-mobile end up earning back the money for the phone they gave you, and extra on overage charges.
The Amazon Kindle Fire HDX is one of the best, fastest, and most known budget tablets, so I think their phones should be pretty good compared to other smartphones.