Amazon now have "interest-free" payment plan for Amazon Kindle Fire HDX tablets


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The payment plans are good for either the $229 7-inch Kindle Fire HDX or the $379 Kindle Fire HDX 8.9. All you have to do is accept the offer on Amazon, add the Kindle to your cart, and at checkout you’ll be charged 57.25 or  94.75 dollars  for the 8.9 inch tabler, along with any applicable tax and shipping charges in full.

After that, you’ll automatically be billed for the balance in three equal payments every 90 days. You can also choose to pay the full remaining balance at any time.

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I think this monthly interest free payment plan will make more people buy the Amazon HDX 8.9 inch tablet, and more people who can't afford a good tablet buy the 7inch Kindle Fire HDX tablet rather than a cheap tablet made by other brands like Coby, Archos, or Acer.

It's great that Amazon is now giving more choices to the consumer on how they want to pay for their Kindle Fire instead of spending 229-379 dollars at one time for a tablet since now they can spend 57.25-97.75 dollars every three months until they paid off the money without interest.