Amazon now lets you place calls through Alexa-enabled tablets


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Amazon now lets you use Alexa to place phone and video calls and send messages on tablets, so you no longer need an Echo to talk to other Alexa users. Compatible tablets include Android tablets, iPads, and Amazon’s Fire tablets, as spotted by Engadget. The update requires you to download the new Alexa app, which begins rolling out today.

Amazon now lets you place calls through Alexa-enabled tablets

This can be useful for people who uses Alexa a lot to chat instead of using Skype, Google Hangout, Facebook Messenger, etc.

But, I'm not interested because I can always just use Skype or Google Hangouts to video chat, and send instant messages. I feel people on Apple iPad will mostly use Apple Facetime or Skype for video chat and IM messages. I feel having a lot of voice assistants on a tablet can make the tablet run slower, use more bandwidth, and shorten the battery life.

Hopefully, Alexa remains a separate app, and will not be built-into the Amazon App store, Amazon Prime app, and other Amazon apps for Android and iOS
So they basically threw in skype features?
I think making calls with Alexa text, voice and video calls would not be as popular as Skype which built-up a large userbase from Xbox, Windows Live/MSN Messenger, and Alexa does sound like a cheap knock-off of Skype and other chat apps like Google Hangouts which is popular with Android, Gmail, Chrome OS, Google Plus, and PC users who find Skype for not very good, and there are not many other popular free chat programs except for maybe Facebook Messenger.