Android iPhone Case - What Magic Is This?


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Eye Smart iPhone Case - Eye - The Smart iPhone Case

This is one of the craziest gadgets I've ever seen on Unbox Therapy. The Eye Smart Case for iPhone lets you carry both Android and iPhone everywhere you go.

This does look like a good case for people who need two phones.
Be something good to have on April 1st :p
Be something good to have on April 1st :p

I agree this would be a good case to use on April 1st. I think if you cover up the camera hole on the back and tape a face plate over the case's front, people think you are holding your phone wrong.

Playing a color changing video on the case's screen may convince some people standing farther away that your phone can change color on its own because of some futuristic metal.
Some people love to make money from stupid things don't they :grin:
Some people love to make money from stupid things don't they :grin:

A lot of people like to buy stuff they don't really need, or think they will need in the rare times when their iPhone runs out of battery, and need to use the Android phone on the back of the case.