Ant Simulator Cancelled Cause Company Spent the Money on Booze and Hookers...


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No, we're not joking:

They had spend most of the Kickstarter and investor money on bars, restaurants, liquor and strippers.

Reminds me of Futurama in some way, but no, apparently Bender wasn't one of those business partners. Either way, if there's ever an insane reason for a company to go under... well, this is it.

But yeah, what do you think?
I was expecting that video to be funny and to be making fun of it, but that's honestly one of the most depressing things I've ever heard. I mean on the outside, yeah it's kind of funny because it's stupid, but this guy is sincerely hurting about it and I feel really bad for him.
I really feel for the guy, not only having your dream crumble like that right before your eyes, but having been backstabbed by close friends. It's a nasty situation. Hopefully he can turn everything around in the future, and use this as a learning experience!
Wow. This is really bad. It is really bad. I am happy he wants to continue developing and he gets to keep the channel.

For those curious, here's the other side: said:
The duo flatly deny their former partner’s claims. “It’s completely false,” Monce says. “I don’t know why he’s painting that picture, but the reality is that anything that was spent in a bar or restaurant was very reasonable in nature when you look at any business, including video game companies. It was part of our operating budget, it’s not anything that was excessive. It was all reported to the IRS. The picture he’s painting about that is 100 percent bull****.”

Monce, who served as ETeeski’s director of finance, says that the books were open. According to him there was no opportunity for clandestine embezzlement, because Tereshinski had access to all the financial data.

According to the pair, things were going well until November 2015. Shortly after Thanksgiving, Tereshinski made the decision to cut ties with the rest of the company. In doing so, he allegedly made the unilateral decision to close the firm’s business accounts.

“He took control of everything,” Monce continued. “He took control of not only all the company’s physical property, our bank accounts, our social media accounts, our website (which he changed to just our faces for some unknown reason), that was all him. This all started to take place right after the game started to get really popular late in the summer. My personal theory is that he wanted to take it all for himself and cut us out of it. We made it clear that we weren’t going to let him do that, because we had a moral and legal right not to."

Kind of sound like pedantic babble to me. I interpreted it like they were basically saying something akin to "well, he should have looked at the books more often, and what we spent wasn't that bad because other companies do it.

The last part sounds pretty fishy and considering that these are childhood friends this rupture is very emotional, so I am almost certain no side is completely clean. If this guy really took control of everything and the book statements were closed, it all just send red flags. I definitely think tehre is a way more to this story than the media simplification.
What a waste of a flippin time. Well something to remove from the wish list