Other Anthem Director Leaves Bioware


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Read fom gamesindustry biz and his twitter:

BioWare's chief of staff and director of Anthem, Jonathan Warner, has announced his departure from the studio.

"BioWare has been home to my grateful heart for nearly 10 years and I want to wish them all the best," he wrote. "[Dragon Age, Mass Effect] and [Star Wars: The Old Republic] are in good hands and I can't wait to play from this side of the screen."

Warner joined BioWare in 2012 as senior producer mainly focused on the Mass Effect franchise. He became game director in 2015, taking the lead on the development of Anthem, and was promoted to chief of staff in May 2019.

Before that, Warner worked at the likes of EA, Walt Disney and Microsoft.

At the end of last year, general manager Casey Hudson and Dragon Age executive producer Mark Darrah also left BioWare.
No one wants to stick wtih a company anymore.
Yeah wonder if Bioware will still be capable of making good Western rpgs. Larian is currently the best studio on Western rpg with Baldur's Gate III.
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