Anyone else not like Paper Mario/Mario RPG's action commands that much?


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I mean, I like them more than I do most normal RPG battles (since they stop the games being nothing more than 'grind til you rip everything apart in one hit'), but I've always found them a bit... illogical and almost awkward to use.

Especially the super guarding/guarding stuff. Seems like something that works better in a fighting game than an RPG, especially given that you're having to attempt to block vague energy based attacks where you can't tell the point it actually connects with your character.

That's one reason I've always preferred the Mario & Luigi games to be honest. The commands and how they work seem a bit more logical and defending is actually based on reflexes rather than guessing at what point you need to hit a button.

Anyone else feel the same way?
I couldn't disagree more. The action commands are what really make the games so great and different from other rpgs. The ones in SMRPG weren't all that great, but in every other game they drastically improved battles to make them fun, and feel like you're really fighting the enemies, not just selecting attacks from a menu. Without action commands, Mario rpgs just wouldn't be the same.
No way. The ones in Paper Mario saved my life, for the most part. Dealing more damage ftw. Though, in th M&L series it was much harder and screwed me over.
^Both of you must not be good with timing, because the only action commands I can never seem to do right are the superguard for boos, crazee dayzees, and bandits, and the Swing Bros. attack.
if you saw my uncle play he could supergaurd every attack! meaning no damage at all not even the shadow queen! I wanna be as good as him but sadly I cant! and Mario and luigi series are kinda hard and annoying to do the same thing over and over again
LuigiBTDDKTailsFan, on 29 May 2013 - 20:14, said:if you saw my uncle play he could supergaurd every attack! meaning no damage at all not even the shadow queen! I wanna be as good as him but sadly I cant! and Mario and luigi series are kinda hard and annoying to do the same thing over and over again
The hands and lightning attacks are tough to dodge and I can almost never dodge the poison one.
The ones in Paper Mario 2 are pretty much perfect. The ability to choose between two types of guards, different controls for different attacks, stylish moves if you weren't already overwhelmed and even action commands for special attacks.

Another battle system I really love and which no other game has done before are the sound battles in Mother 3.

If you don't have much of a feel for rhythm there's a high chance you might disagree. ^^
The ones in Paper Mario 2 are pretty much perfect. The ability to choose between two types of guards, different controls for different attacks, stylish moves if you weren't already overwhelmed and even action commands for special attacks.

Another battle system I really love and which no other game has done before are the sound battles in Mother 3.

If you don't have much of a feel for rhythm there's a high chance you might disagree. ^^

I have to agree there. I love the game, but I have to... you know, as most of the rest of the world, and when I do battles I like to speed them up. You can't have rhythm when you speed up. I'm sure since I was in band, and I wanted to play the game without speed ups, I could get it, but still.
People can have trouble with the M and L games I thought they were the easiest RPGs ever.
The ones in Paper Mario 2 are pretty much perfect. The ability to choose between two types of guards, different controls for different attacks, stylish moves if you weren't already overwhelmed and even action commands for special attacks.

Another battle system I really love and which no other game has done before are the sound battles in Mother 3.

If you don't have much of a feel for rhythm there's a high chance you might disagree. ^^

I have to agree there. I love the game, but I have to... you know, as most of the rest of the world, and when I do battles I like to speed them up. You can't have rhythm when you speed up. I'm sure since I was in band, and I wanted to play the game without speed ups, I could get it, but still.

I thought the battles were the most fun parts. I didn't want to speed them up. ^^