Anyone playing Pokemon GO?


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And if so, what do you think of it?

Is it a good game? Does it capture the essence of what makes the Pokemon series so great on Nintendo consoles?

What do you think about Pokemon GO now it's available to play?

I'm downloading it now. Though it's like 9PM and dark so I can't really do anything with it now. If anything happens I can give details tomorrow.

I'm downloading it now. Though it's like 9PM and dark so I can't really do anything with it now. If anything happens I can give details tomorrow.

be warned, there is a mass amount of reports that this app game is a huge battery killer even while plugged in.
be warned, there is a mass amount of reports that this app game is a huge battery killer even while plugged in.
My phone's battery drains really fast anyway. :p I'll still play sparingly though.

Edit: You can delete this and the one above. My computer glitched out. :squint: It's been doing that all day.
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My S7 Edge's battery is taking the hit pretty well. In the past couple of days it hasn't drained too fast so far.

Other than that, Go is a step in the right direction and has been fun. I'm enjoying it for sure.
My house is a Pokedead zone. I'll have to go for a walk later.
I've been fortunate to find some Pokemon at my house. Otherwise incense helps to bring them in.

Of course I guess the whole point is to catch them while we're out and about. :)
So I went for a walk. I walked for over an hour all around town... well it's a village, but whatever, and I found nothing. No Pokemon. Zero, zilch, nada. I'm actually very pissed because like... wth? Seriously, this is the biggest slap in the face ever. There were "around", but I found nothing.

Wow, as I was typing this I used an incense and found a Paris, but even still, I found nothing while walking around and it's fairly annoying.
That does sound annoying. Reminds me of yesterday when I couldn't find any Pokemon for a while either. After a while suddenly they started to pop up periodically.

Hopefully that changes for you soon.
So, did you find any gyms or Pokestops in any unusual locations? I see a lot of people on Twitter posting 'gyms' located in a police station or a cemetary or what not...
My coworker came into the store yesterday on his day off frantically searching for Pokemon wherever he could. So yeah, I'd say that for the right person it could be pretty great. XD
So, did you find any gyms or Pokestops in any unusual locations? I see a lot of people on Twitter posting 'gyms' located in a police station or a cemetary or what not...
Not really. I mean there's a Pokestop at 3 different churches, a Pokestop at a time capsule I didn't even know existed, even though I've lived here for 23 years, and the gym is at a chapel. There's some other ones, but they didn't load so I couldn't see what they were.
Pokemon GO is the best thing ever when the game actually works. I went for a walk today and found 3 eggs at 3 different Pokestops, which I found out reset per day so you can use it more than once, and I caught so many Pokemon.

2 Eevees

Then like halfway through I got a server error... But still, when it works it's amazing.
Right so, been playing a bit myself recently.

You can see my review here:

I haven't caught many Pokemon, but the ones I have found/caught include:


And that's about it so far. I think, can't really log in to check at the moment due to the servers going down.

Either way, it's a fun game. Just wish the fields near me had some more Pokemon to find in them. Seems a bit weird that they're more commonly found in urban areas now...
be warned, there is a mass amount of reports that this app game is a huge battery killer even while plugged in.
And you have forgotten that it's also a killer, allot of people had to go into a nice bed in a very big building :eek: so much.

I do play it. Have been playing since release. Currently level 18, team instinct. Have quite a good time going out with friends for hours trying to catch the Pokemon! Good exercise too.
Well, that's pretty cool. Still giving it a bit of a shot over here. It's very slow to level up, but I'll get to level 20 or what not eventually.