Anyone still play PS Vita?

Its something I've looked into getting a couple of times recently, it seems expensive though and I'm not sure if it is worth buying when I already have a huge backlog of PS4 games to play.

get a PS TV.
I don't think anybody played it, hence they stopped production. Vita is like that relative you don't talk about because they are not that well liked even within the family, much less so among the populace. I have never even seen one in my city, and it's a pretty progressive and advanced city that can get newer games days after the release in the US. It was just a major flop that had no redeeming qualities.
The first PS Vita was released in 2011. It was during this time, that I started venturing away from Playstation gaming, focusing more on PC and Xbox gameplay. My last real interest in Playstation Portable gaming was when the original Playstation Portable was still popular (if I'm not mistaken that got discontinued in 2014).

Personally, I wasn't really a fan of the PS Vita. It was one of those portable consoles that didn't really catch my attention. If I'm not mistaken, I played on my friends PS Vita once or twice. But it didn't intrigue me enough to want to buy my own personal one.

In my opinion, it seemed like one of those consoles that trended for a season, then everyone forgot about it.
A friend of mine and I talked about it some time ago. He always was a huge Playstation fan, and (surprisingly, to a certain extent) he loved his PSP, so he bought it instantly.
Nowadays, he regrets he didn't buy a 3DS back then. He is a RPG fan, so he did have fun with Persona 4 or Freedom Wars, but he grew tired of it quickly and it's now collecting dust on a shelf.
It could have been a great console, but the only responsible for its flop was Sony itself.
I played it until months ago because one of my friends has one. It's really fun actually, the sad thing is that we are not friends anymore :eek: