Apex Legends pick rates: Most popular Legends in Season 14


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Apex Legends pick rates are going through some interesting changes in Season 14, so without further ado, here are all of the details and the latest pick rate numbers right here for the newest Apex season.
This pick rate information is based on a database of over 13 million Apex Legends players, and while this isn’t the total player base, it’s a very good sample size. These stats don’t indicate who is ‘the best‘ overall, instead, they highlight which Legends are currently most popular to pick.
Apex Legends Season 14 has been going for a while now and Vantage’s early impact is now having less of an effect on the game’s pick rate percentages.
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So here is all the data you need to know regarding Apex Legends Season 14’s pick rates, including who’s the most popular now, and any sneaky surprises, too.
Apex Legends Pick Rates in Season 14
Here are all of the current pick rates for each Legend as of September 27, 2022. Make sure to check back weekly as we’ll keep you updated as the percentages change and various pick rates continue to move up and down.
CharacterPick Rate
Mad Maggie2.1%

The most used Legends in Apex Legends Season 14
The battle for Apex Legends Season 14 supremacy rages on and it’s between Octane, Wraith, and Pathfinder as they occupy the top spots. New Legend Vantage disrupted the podium places in the season’s early weeks, but now her momentum seems to be fading a bit.
As with the start of most new seasons of Apex, Vantage got off to a blisteringly hot start as most new Legends do, and she shot straight to number one, Now though, she’s beginning to drop off and has fallen to seventh with a 5.2% pick rate — and falling.
Apex 5.2% pick rate.png
Some of Season 14’s stories concerning pick rates make for interesting reading as buffs and nerfs have catapulted Mad Maggie up to 18th (2.1%) although she has been dropping again.
Also, Rampart has fallen back to her old ways as the Legend is now down to 21st (1.6%) and is only slightly above Crypto in 22nd (1.2%) – a Legend who continually holds up the pick rate percentages.

Most played Apex Legends characters
As previously stated, a higher pick rate doesn’t always equal a more effective Legend, but the current build of the game has seen the same few characters occupy the top spots for a while now.
As we’ve done with previous seasons, we’re going to give it a few weeks to see if Vantage can maintain her unbelievable start to the new season.

Here are the most played Legends in Apex Legends Season 14.
Bloodhound – 7.9%

While Seer may have taken the title of ‘Best Recon Legend’ early on in Season 10, that time was short-lived. Bloodhound is an irreplaceable Legend thanks to their Eye of the Allfather tactical ability, which offers unparalleled tracking and information for any team. This is a huge reason why Bloodhound boasts a healthy 7.9% pick rate in Apex Season 14.

Wraith – 8.9%

Wraith was the face of the game back at launch, and it’s easy to see why. Her abilities have yet to be replaced or challenged, with her portal allowing for smooth and strategic rotations. Alongside her phase, you can take more risks and still retreat with your life intact.
She has had some tinkering done, like the removal of the Low Profile attribute back in Season 9, but she remains as deadly as ever in the current state of the game. No evidence is as clear and obvious to this as her 8.9% pick rate.

Pathfinder – 10.5%

Despite being nowhere as effective as he was back in his prime, Pathfinder still manages to be the top mobility-based Legend in Apex Legends with a 10.5% pick rate. Ever since Season 5, Respawn has continued to adjust Pathfinder’s abilities, while also giving other recons (Bloodhound, Seer, Crypto & Valkyrie) his original ability to scan for upcoming ring locations.
While these events have lessened his overall effectiveness, he still manages to be one of the highest-picked characters in Apex — thanks to his maneuverability skills.

Octane – 11.8%

Octane is a consistently high-picked Legend in Apex, despite the nerfs he’s received since the game’s release. His easy-to-use and highly effective abilities make for great solo play, but also mean that he fits right in with team-based matches.
Octane has been a fan favorite in many recent seasons of Apex Legends and is currently stationed at number two.
He boasts a whopping 11.8% pick rate percentage and is currently top of the charts again — with some room to spare.

So, there you have it – the most played Legends and their pick rates in Apex Legends Season 14.