Apple devices outsold Windows in Q4


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Recent research from analyst Benedict Evans reveals that in the fourth quarter last year, Apple shipped more “computers” than all of Microsoft’s Windows partners combined. Evans counted as computers all smart devices sold by Apple including Macs, iPhones, iPod touches and iPads, which surpassed 80 million sold units during the period. Not only did the number surpass combined Windows PC sales for the period, but it almost matched the combined Windows and Windows Phone sales.

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Most people who want a Windows device already own a Windows PC, but fewer people own an iPad, iMac, Macbook, iPhone, and other Apple device, so they are more likely to buy an Apple device which they did not own  in Q4 instead of a Windows devices which they already own.

I bet Google Android devices outsold Apple devices in Q4 because Android has more users.

Google Android, Google Chrome OS, and Linux operating systems like Ubuntu Linux devices is another reason fewer people bought Windows devices because Android, Chrome OS, and Linux devices like the Raspberry Pi are cheaper than a similar Windows device with the same parts because Android, Chrome OS, and Linux are free for the user while a Windows license cost $120-199.
Apple outsells because they have a loyal cult following.