Well I do got mori practically making the whole award list plus name/image. What have you done?GracefulAssassin said:BULLSHIT. DS, why don't you like me anymore?! I mean, Mori can be your bitch, but I was the bro!
Most active member. >_>Demon_Skeith said:
Well I do got mori practically making the whole award list plus name/image. What have you done?
Of all time... And sorry for not having a computer. >_>Demon_Skeith said:tad blurry but the first one is good.
And mori has that as well GA.
Well, I know which one I'll be after.Memento Mori said:Knowledgeable - Made 100 posts in the Ask me. - Ema Skye
The characters from Thief, perhaps?Demon_Skeith said:I need suggestions for thief characters to use. I've used sly cooper for one.