Are buying more expensive very durable electronics cables worth it?


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Buying more expensive durable cables like Micro-USB and HDMI cables can be worth the higher price if the cable won't be outdated in a few years or less, or you unplug and re-plug the cable into the port a lot.

But, cables can get outdated where a lot of old cable types like Parallel, Serial, S-Video and IDE cables, etc are no longer used on new computers which no longer use old cable connections like parallel, serial, and IDE cables. Buying expensive long lasting cables can be a waste of money if the cable will be outdated in a few years before the cable breaks, and no new devices can use your old cables because the device no longer supports your older cables.

I own a lot of cheaper priced average quality cable which still work after many years of use.

Most phones, and tablets also come bundled with a Micro-USB charging cable, so I just use the original cable which came with the device. The bundled cables sometimes last many years, or the device like a phone breaks before the cable breaks.
I've bought some cheap cables from amazon that still hold up well years later.
I've bought some cheap cables from amazon that still hold up well years later.

Most of the cheap cables I got from the dollar store, and bundled cables which came with DVD players, game consoles, tablets, phones, PCs, etc still work after many years.
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