Are Forums & Blogs more relaxing and fun compared to Social Networks?


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I think the community on forums, and blogs seem more relaxed than social networks. In my experience, most members on forums and blogs seem nicer, and less likely to post mean topics, and replies.

But, on big social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Myspace, etc, there seem to be more trolls, and spam comments which make visiting social networks less fun.

I usually like spending my time on forums, and blogs more since it seems better, and more relaxed where people talk about different topics instead of random strangers trolling people's post they don't like, or posting an inappropriate reply to someone's photo or video which is not meant to be sexy.
Yep, because all the fools in the world use social made sites like twitter and FB.
It is relaxing for the members, but aren't for the administration with the work, money on keeping things rolling and also the stressful times that my happen.

I'm on social network myself to keep updated with what's going around and I sometimes think that I shouldn't even bothered with the crap going around. Yet I guess I get more knowledge from forums and blogs.
It is relaxing for the members, but aren't for the administration with the work, money on keeping things rolling and also the stressful times that my happen.

For members and staff members, who only enjoy the community and are care-free regarding the work that goes into website maintenance, it is relaxing and fun. For the owner(s), who have to take care of the payments and administrative work, forums can become tiresome.
I agree it can be time consuming and challenging running websites. But, there are some people who may run a forum, or blog to escape from their boring and stressful lives.

Running a site can keep them busy, and they may feel they are using their time better than going on social networks where they may mostly talk to the same people from school, work, or their family which they may not always want to talk to all the time because they talk to them a lot when they are not on the internet.

I think members on forums are generally more helpful on giving suggestions and helping out with things like making graphics and promoting a forum.

Member are less likely to insult other members like social networks because they don't know the person offline at school or work which can be unhappy places which make people more likely to dislike others because of competition, and ranking systems.

I saw a few stories on the news where students use social networks to bully other students, and adults getting mad because they got unfriended by their friend on Facebook.
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It's definitely not relaxing for me, since my forum is dead and aren't improving also my staff haven't logged in since 14 days ago and only do so if I tell them, then they only be on for a minute. I'm really sick and tired of my staff not being there for the website.
I agree, finding active staff is harder these days, and members don't post much. Sadly, I don't really see my situation, and other owner's forum inactivity on forum improving where there are more activity because more people these days spend more of their time on social networks, bigger forums and blogs, online video sites like Netflix and YouTube, and mobile apps like Snapchat, and Vine.
Forums yes, I don't really find reading blogs and stuff to be as fun. Forums I think allow for the most conversation, whilst also having it be a bit more in-depth which is why I personally enjoy using forums to discuss my interests.
It's definitely not relaxing for me, since my forum is dead and aren't improving also my staff haven't logged in since 14 days ago and only do so if I tell them, then they only be on for a minute. I'm really sick and tired of my staff not being there for the website.
It sounds like you need new staff members who are dedicated and active. Have you tried recruiting a new staff team?
It sounds like you need new staff members who are dedicated and active. Have you tried recruiting a new staff team?
Indeed I have with some threads, and still open. Just have no one interested that's all. Also Need someone that will deal with social media and advertisement.
I guess on forums and blogs all honest answers to the topics it's either to agree or disagree in no harm words. Whereas, in social medias lots of negatives around that will criticized you personally deep.
Are you kidding me? Ofcourse forums are far far better than any social media out there because of well baiscally the rules that its governed by i.e no foul language, be nice to each other etc etc on a social media anyone can tell you to suck it with any punishment.
Are you kidding me? Ofcourse forums are far far better than any social media out there because of well baiscally the rules that its governed by i.e no foul language, be nice to each other etc etc on a social media anyone can tell you to suck it with any punishment.
You do know that you can report harassment on any social network, right?
Are you kidding me? Ofcourse forums are far far better than any social media out there because of well baiscally the rules that its governed by i.e no foul language, be nice to each other etc etc on a social media anyone can tell you to suck it with any punishment.

I think even if there were fewer rules on forums, and blogs, a lot of members will still behave better because most members on forums, and blogs don't know each other in real life from home, work or school, so they don't need to maintain their "tough guy" reputation they have at home, school and work.

But, a lot of the members on social networks have friends which they know from their family, school, and work, so it maybe more likely that people who are "tough guys" at school, work, or home will continue being tough on social networks to show people they know in real life that they are always tough.
12 to 24 hours on average is not that slow.

Also, social networks, just like forums, have blocking features that prevent bullies to further contact you on the website.

You are able to block mean members on social networks. But, sometimes blocking them can make the situation worse since trolls may get angry, and start to create many profiles where they try to damage your reputation by posting horrible stuff about your personal life, personality, and appearance on many profile accounts which they created on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
do what I did and hire an advertising team.
Even that's not easy, I personally told my current staff to also advertise using anything means. One trained person did do it for a day and then some what forget and moved away doing his own project with his team.

It not like I can post a simple thread on a dead website saying about we are looking for advertisement team, so I have to turn to FP and others. Anyone interested anyway?

All forums over the years have recently been dieing. Social media is the reason behind it all, tends to retract people to it then on forums. years ago forums are going but now, it's definitely not easy for forum owners like myself to build. takes years to build and only the big community forum can survive. It's definitely changed now
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