Are new year's resolution good?


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So it's the first day of the new year and with that comes the usual new year's resolution which many don't follow through.

Do you think having a new year's resolution is a good thing or just some sad attempt to make a change that should happen when it needs to happen.
Stupid waste of time. I never do New Years Resolutions. If I want to do something or change something then I'll do it now (except it is New Year) and not wait for a New Year to begin.
Sometimes, you actually need to wait for the New Year to begin to do something because many Colleges have Winter Holidays until January 2nd, and the next semester begins on January 2nd, so people who plan on going to College in the new year, or the next semester after the New Years Semester should make it a "New Years resolution to "Stay in school, and not drop out" .

Also, a lot of people drink too much beer during New Years parties, and get drunk, so when people wake up in the New Year might as well make it a New Years Resolution to drink less Beer at next year New Years party.

I think it is best to make plans, and stay organize throughout the Year, and New Years is just another month to plan to do stuff that is important.
^Thats actually a very good point I hadnt thought of. But overall, its a waste of time and migjt as well be categorized as a type of holiday tradition.
I think New Years Resolutions are also a way for some people to make friends since it can be kind of awkward if someone says "I have no New Years Resolution!" in a grumpy voice.

New Years Resolutions are also a good way to keep in touch with family and friends who also have the same plans for the New Year of losing weight, traveling, eating healthier, and other common goals since it is sometimes more fun achieving goals with people you like.

There's also a lot of crime which happen during the New Years according to the News since so many people are out at once at night including the criminals, so some people's New Years Resolution maybe to get a self-defense weapon like Pepper Spray, Taser, or knife to protect themselves throughout the year.
I don't see the point in labelling it as a New Years Resolution. If you want to do something then just damn well do it. Not all this crap about oh after Christmas i'll try and lose weight rubbish, because if you don't actually mean it then you'll keep saying it, the next one will be oh after easter (once i've stuffed my face with chocolate and brought it all back up again) i'll go back on the diet.... blah blah.

New Years resolutions means jack squat.

People need to man up and realise they need to take control of their lives, whether it be losing weight, eating healthy, going to the gym, whatever it is as and when they need to and not using a stupid thing like New Year as an excuse to put it off until then.
I don't wait until the new year to make resolutions, but I do feel the new year as a fresh start most times.   

Last year's resolution was to quit smoking,  and I did that.  The year before was something about being more honest about stuff, and I did that.  This year's something different and I'll be working on that.    

If something else pops up during this year, I won't wait until 2015 to change it :p

So I think they're all right.
They can be good or bad depending on how realistic they are.

In all truth, a New Year's resolution is nothing more than a personal goal that has been linked to a specific date.

I don't even bother with having resolutions because anything that I can promise to do in the new year, I can promise to do throughout the year.

And this way, if I screw up, then instead of me waiting out the year to start over, I can just pick myself up and then try again.