Are online-only mobile games bad?


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Yes, I find it very frustrating when mobile games require a wi-fi or data connection because it limits my gaming to only online gaming, and no offline gameplay mode.
Yes, specially if they weigh heavily on your data plan.
They are, it is really frustrating that maybe in certain moment you want to play but you can't because you don't have a good signal or any Wi-Fi connection close to you , it really sucks and even more if the game is entertaining.
I think online only games are bad on any system. Especially if they're not multiplayer focused.
I hear it's basically pay-to-win. You will reach a level limit either because further levels up would be too difficult or would plainly require membership or subscription. The WWE mobile game for example wants you to pay money so you can unlock the stronger wrestlers in the game, and you can't progress to the higher end of the game with the basic wrestlers that are default when you start. It's a pretty sleazy thing to do since most app games are played by children since they're easy and available, so pressuring them to ask their parents to pay the fees would be the end game.
Yes, I hate it when a mobile game requeries internet connection. I usually want to play on the train or the bus, but if the signal is not A+ these games won't load. For me, the main point is to play my mobile games when I'm away. At home I can play on my PC.
It depends, I typically find mobile MMOs alright. Gameloft's WoW ripoff was well done, pretty much captured the vibe of WoW. I don't like to play single players games that require internet connection as I think that's just a bad way to make your game, but as to playing mobile MMOs, I pretty much don't have a choice anyways.
For me, it doesn't matter if a game is online-only, if it's a good one then it's worth.
This takes me back a few years when we didn't have WiFi at home yet. We were ones of those people that got it uber late (don't ask me why) when everybody else already had it. So, I got a new Android phone and was all excited about the Google app store. Oh, look! So many free games... but wait, 80% of them require an internet connection. I ended up downloading so many just to realize that I either need my phone's internet turned on or a WiFi. It was really frustrating.

Now, that we do have a wireless connection at my apartment I don't care so much. I just use that since it's free and I can game all I want. Even my phone package includes like 15GB of free internet and the majority of these mobile games don't really use up too much of it - or at least the ones that I tend to play.
It's frustrating indeed. To me it's not a matter of how much it needs, but why. Some games use it as a anti-hacking measure, but that's only justified if the game has multiplayer features, where cheats can take the fun out of the game.
However, a lot of games only use to make sure ads are displayed. I mean, it's alright if you want/need to make money out of it, but if you're going to shove it down out throats you could at least make an effort to make them bearable.
Yes, I find it very frustrating when mobile games require a wi-fi or data connection because it limits my gaming to only online gaming, and no offline gameplay mode.

Depends on the game. For example, The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It requires internet connection although you could easily play it without internet. If you are up to date, I see no reason why would you need internet. You login with Origin and people that play it can be your neighbors. You can visit them. Even that part could have an offline interaction. I think some games are just forcing it without real reasons.