Are people watching more TV because of computers and electronics?


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People who loves TV might be watching more TV shows on their computer with websites like hulu, Youtube (illegally uploaded copyright videos), and Crunchyrolls you can watch streaming TV shows for hours a day. But, people who are more into the social aspect of the internet like Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and foruming might watch less TV.

However If your computer has a TV Tuner card then you can set your computer to record TV shows when you are at work/school or doing something else on your PC similar to how people use VCR to set it to record a certain channel at a time. You can even buy multiple TV tuners or computers with TV tuners to record multiple shows at the same time. This way you won't miss one show because you rather watch the other. You can watch two late night TV shows after you recorded both with two TV tuners.

There are also TV tuner boxs like Tivo, Digital TV recorders which allow you to record shows in HD from your Cable company. Some Digital TV recorders even can be connected to your cellphone or internet website to record or watch TV shows when you are away from home.

If you have a high end cellphone like a Blackberry, you can even subscribe to TV channels and watch them on your cell phone screen.

But, I feel mostly people who are willing to spend between $50-400+ dollars are willing to buy a TV tuner, Digital TV recorder box, wireless portable TV on cellphone from their cable company or electronics store are the ones who are watching more TV.

I have a USB TV tuner on my PC, so I set it to record late night TV, so I can watch it in the morning or afternoon. The TV tuner also shutdown my PC when it is all done recording my shows to save electricity.