Are re-using old electronics for making other stuff a bad idea?


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I think it can be a bad idea to re-use your old electronics like a old game console, iPad 1, or iPhone 1 for making a custom PC case,, alarm clock, modern art, or other things.

If your old electronics ever become collectors items/antiques in the future, you would not be able to sell it at a high price or no one will buy it when your old electronics are modified or damaged because you damaged the case, and circuit-boards to build something like a PC case. Plus, electronics like old game consoles can be good decorative art work for a living room, or home office if you are a gamer or toy collector.

But, if your electronics are cheap knockoffs, there is less of a chance that your electronics would be worth hundreds to thousands of dollars in many years like the original Apple II, and Commodore 64 computers which are still worth a lot of money to computer collectors.

Plus, it can be unsafe to use old electronics like smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other battery powered devices as alarm clocks, music players, and video players because the lithium-ion batteries in these devices can explode, or catch on fire when they get too hot, the charger fails, and overcharges the device like the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which can explode at random times. Over time, the battery and charging/power ports, and overcharging protector may break down making them unsafe to use.
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unless you know its junk, it would be fine really.