Are Reward Websites like Swagbucks, Reward Shopping/Superpoints Good for earning a little money?


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Some reward websites like Swagbucks and Reward Shopping are okay for earning an extra few dollars every month without spending money like investing in the stock market online, buying gold or bitcoin on a website, or doing more time intensive tasks like writing articles or recording videos to upload to YouTube and other sites which pay video creators.

But, it is harder to earn over a few dollars unless you refer a lot of people, or spend a lot of time on these websites.

The good thing about these sites is that you are less likely to get banned from Swagbucks, and Reward Shopping because the rules are not as strict and it is harder to break the rules unless you break them intentionally by using bots, so there is less of a chance you won't get paid like people who got banned from YouTube and Adsense ads before getting paid their $100 because they broke one rule.
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They are but are time consuming. I do the coke rewards by entering a reward number from all coke products. So far I've earned like $40 in amazon credit from just entering free codes.
They are but are time consuming. I do the coke rewards by entering a reward number from all coke products. So far I've earned like $40 in amazon credit from just entering free codes.

The Coke rewards program in the US is better than Canada. The only rewards I got from Coke Rewards were free MP3 downloads from an online store. I think I only earned enough points to download a few MP3 files.
You do have to collect a lot, makes it so the company doesn't close the program from over spending on rewards.

I agree you do have to do a lot of stuff to get rewards. But, some of the tasks are very simple to do, and there is no boss or manager who punish you if you don't work hard enough.

Most tasks do not take much time to do like filling out a 5 minute survey, watch a video with an ad, play a flash game with ads in it, visiting a website, or posting a promotional message on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter in exchange for a few reward points.