I notice I run into more rude blog comments than social networking and forum comments when comparing comments on posts on the same topic or a screenshot of a story posted on social networks and forums. In some countries like the US and Canada, workers can get fired for posting rude social networking comments and posts on their own Facebook and Twitter account, and posting rude comments can get you banned from a site like Facebook which you don't own, or is not own by a business. Blog owners sometimes let commenters post more rude comments which insult other commenters with different opinions, and people written about in the post like a senator, countries' President, or crime victim in the comment section.
Posting rude comments and posts can ruin your chances of working in the kids to teen entertainment industry, or at a government job, public school, and more political correct company if you post something rude. People also believe what you post on your social networking profile can be easier to find even when many years have past when applying to jobs compared to trying to find random rude blog comment which you post with a username like "Slayman411" on a less popular blog which fewer people know about compared to Facebook and Twitter.
Most forums run by forum staff like owner, mod, and admins usually delete rude posts and comments which trolls other users, or have illegal comments like threats to people since rude members can make a forum less popular, and can cause other problems.
I think people are also more likely to behave themselves on forums because the chances of getting banned for acting rude on a forum is more likely than some random blog where the owner may not care much about moderating comments or auto-approve all comments.
It is easier to find a rude members old posts on forums with most forum software with a post search engine or "find member post link" on their forum profile, so users may behave themselves in a respectful manner to not have embarrassing rude posts from popping up again when someone reads their old rude replies, member replies to an old topic which they posted rude replies on, or someone called them out on a rude comment they posted in the past.
Most forums are also public, so many people on the internet can find people's old forum posts if they know what username which they used on the internet, and their writing style, and avatar pictures and pictures posted on forum topics which may contain photos and video of their real face photo.
Posting rude comments and posts can ruin your chances of working in the kids to teen entertainment industry, or at a government job, public school, and more political correct company if you post something rude. People also believe what you post on your social networking profile can be easier to find even when many years have past when applying to jobs compared to trying to find random rude blog comment which you post with a username like "Slayman411" on a less popular blog which fewer people know about compared to Facebook and Twitter.
Most forums run by forum staff like owner, mod, and admins usually delete rude posts and comments which trolls other users, or have illegal comments like threats to people since rude members can make a forum less popular, and can cause other problems.
I think people are also more likely to behave themselves on forums because the chances of getting banned for acting rude on a forum is more likely than some random blog where the owner may not care much about moderating comments or auto-approve all comments.
It is easier to find a rude members old posts on forums with most forum software with a post search engine or "find member post link" on their forum profile, so users may behave themselves in a respectful manner to not have embarrassing rude posts from popping up again when someone reads their old rude replies, member replies to an old topic which they posted rude replies on, or someone called them out on a rude comment they posted in the past.
Most forums are also public, so many people on the internet can find people's old forum posts if they know what username which they used on the internet, and their writing style, and avatar pictures and pictures posted on forum topics which may contain photos and video of their real face photo.