Are there any advantages of uploading video in lower video quality and resolution?


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The uploader saves bandwidth and time when encoding/saving, uploading video at a lower video quality setting and resolution, so if you want to be one of the early people to upload a new news story, uploading a video at 144-240p or lower resolution can make your video publish faster.

Viewers who watch your video will save time, and bandwidth data when watching your video in 144-240P and lower video resolution. 144-240p video maybe good for those videos which are mostly audio based, and display a picture, or solid color for the whole video or most of the video.

I think low quality 144-240p video also has a retro visual quality which makes the video look like someone is using their cheap webcam, digital camera or smartphone camera to record someone or something. Using low quality video settings for online video could be good if you plan on making a retro 1990-2005 style film where many people used webcams, and low megapixel digital cameras on flip phones and 2 mega pixel digital cameras to record video.
Its quicker uploading time, but since everyone is HD crazy these days you be killing a lot of video viewership.
Its quicker uploading time, but since everyone is HD crazy these days you be killing a lot of video viewership.

Most videos on Instagram and Twitter are low quality, but they sometimes get more views, likes, and comments than similar higher quality videos on YouTube, and Dailymotion. I think low quality video can be good for some videos like homemade comedy videos where most viewers watch homemade comedy videos because they are funny and the low quality video gives it a more homemade pixelated feeling/effect.

If your low quality videos have a good story, they may attract a small group of dedicated followers who are fans of low quality videos of a certain category like comedy.
Maybe just me but I rather have the option of seeing a video in HD when possible - see more details.

I agree, most people rather see video in HD because there is more detail. But, I feel high detail videos is mostly good for 3D animation, and cartoons. But, not that good for random videos, Some HD quality videos is less uncomfortable to watch for people who don't like looking at oily skin and pimples on people. You can't see people's pimples, and oily skin easily in low quality video because there is less detail.

If you have a low resolution monitor, or use a cheaper smartphone or tablet with a low resolution 800x600 or similar display resolution and smaller screen, watching a 720P or higher resolutonHD video may not look better than watching a 360P or similar video resolution file. Plus, HD video uses more bandwidth, processing power, RAM, battery life, and other system resources, so you can't watch video for as long if your phone has a smaller battery, or overheats when watching HD video.
Yeah it's quicker and faster but that doesn't outweigh the negatives. No way your content will get successful without been HD these days.
Yeah it's quicker and faster but that doesn't outweigh the negatives. No way your content will get successful without been HD these days.

I think for some types of videos like Live News, 480P and lower resolution video won't bother most viewers since people don't watch Daily News videos because of how high quality the video is like 3D animation where video quality is more important.

For News videos, you may not get as much viewers if you are not one of the few news websites or YouTube news channels to upload and publish videos to the internet because it takes many more minutes to hours to upload and publish a HD video to the internet compared to lower quality video which uploads, publishes, and loads faster.

Faster loading standard definition videos may get more shares on Facebook and Twitter from people who are using a slower mobile internet connection from their cell phone, or from slower internet connections speeds on slower DSL and Cable connections which are under 5 mbps where watching HD is slow.

Video which are about fads where the popularity just last a few days to weeks like bottle flip challenge, om toilet om, iPhone rumors, celebrity gossip, etc being the first few websites to upload a video even a low quality video may get the video creators more viewers from subscribers, and online search engines if there are a lot of new searches for the new fad, and not a lot of new videos about the fad.

For older video games, and videos from the 1990s to 2000, using lower quality video resolution maybe better because video in the past before HDTV was mostly recorded in 480i, and re-saving a 480i or lower resolution video file to HD may make the video look stretched, or and less clear than uploading it as a 480i or lower resolution file.
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