Are you afraid that your Internet Service Provider is spying on you?


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Yes, I don't want my Internet Service Providers keeping track of what websites I visited, and other online information according to this article. But, I feel there is not much I can't do unless I not go online.

It is most likely that, your internet service provider (ISP) is spying on your online activities. At least they will keep IP records, usage time, amount of data used, telephone number used (for dial up access), location of user (for Wifi and GPRS) etc. The worst thing might be VoIP call tapping, Packet capturing, IM chat logging, unauthorized accessing to your PC.

Some ISPs do this for selling these information to other third parties for commercial purpose so those corporate sluts can make more money. But most ISPs are under the obligation to supply their subscribers activity information to the intelligence.

In most cases downloading illegal stuffs like pirated movies, songs, cracked software and games will do no harm to the internet users just like chicaning taxes. But if someone get caught for other issues like posting anti-government blogs and articles, forming groups on different social networking sites to gather people for protesting or leaking some nasty truth about government's dirty mistakes, then charges will be taken against those who are involved not only for anti-government activities but also for copyright infringement.

The horrifying fact is that even the "democratic world" is not free from the online surveillance of network traffic and information filtering! People's privacy is never been respected for the sake of terrorism. But we believe, internet is the best ever thing happened in our life for true worldwide communication. We can't let someone to observe how we think,what we say if we don't want them to! So, we need to be anonymous when we go online, if we feel someone is watching us.

Using Proxy server and proxy software it is possible to hide online activities but proxy based surfing are slow and there could be traitor nodes that will serve as relays to decrypt cache files stored on those computers and ruin privacy! But still it is a great way to protect our privacy.

So, watch your back and be careful while surfing net, downloading stuffs or saying something on some social networking sites! Learn how things work and don't do anything stupid!
Yes I do, and I'm sure everybody is.
I'm sure if one of the world smartest hacker hacked into your ISP computers and networks they can secretly steal your passwords, user names, and all the website links which you logged into since hackers are like gods of the internet which can do a lot.

The ISP probably won't do much with collected info, but hackers might want to hack into it to steal info about the ISP users.

Plus, it would be scary if a stalker work for your ISP, and was secretly using the ISP computer to stalk you and found out what websites you visit, and where you plan on going at certain times of the day by reading your e-mail to friends and family.

I'm also concerned that the ISPs I am using are "secretly" owned by the mafia, gangs, hackers, and criminals since they might be collecting info about you to steal your identity, or take out credit cards in my name.
My ISP is also my cable company, and they constantly send me e-mails about subscribing to faster internet, or more channels for their TV service. I hope they don't share my e-mail with other companies.

I also read that there are virus programs which can harvest e-mails from computer programs like Outlook, and other e-mail clients, so if the ISP computer got infected with a virus a hacker might be able to steal thousands or millions of e-mail account addresses for spam and phishing schemes pretending to be your ISP.
I wonder how WikiLeaks got so much secret information from the US?

Did WikiLeaks hack the US governments ISP and Network?
Unfortunately, yes. I feel creeped out when I do stuff that I'd rather not other people know of... *Looks around awkwardly.* And that is what Google Chrome Incognito is for! :grin: